Jamros wrote:
Even if plastic models are more expensive to produce and/or are capable of crisper detail, to me there's a stigma of "cheapness" associated with them. For non-wargaming purposes, I'd rather own metal or resin, as those mediums feel less "toy-ish" and more serious, if that makes sense.
Games Workshop's models are very much for wargaming, even if they are on the upper end of that. All you have to do is have some experience with models made specifically for painting/collecting/modeling to realize that. And IMO, the quality of the sculpts and paint jobs are fairly poor lately across the board, especially compared to a few years ago, even if the detail on plasic models has improved.
I agree GW models are for gaming, despite their assertion otherwise (models first, rules second). I also agree plastic is a better, more convenient material for wargaming models. Easier to transport (less weighty), easier to move around and play with, etc.
I don't agree that the quality is worse now than years ago. Not at all. But, hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I guess if you think the quality is poor and the prices are too high, that makes for an easy decision to not buy anything