The One Ring

So what's next for LotR?
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Author:  Raukov [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  So what's next for LotR?

So we know what's coming next for WHFB and 40k, but what's in the pipeline for Rings at the moment? With the SBG relegated to a twilight netherworld halfway between the mortal world and specialist game hell, we can expect forthcoming releases to be models for WotR units that don't have any yet (and the ocassional new model for big-name characters).

Are they going to release any more actual supplements? Who knows! There won't be any more SBG sourcebooks, but will they start making them for WotR? It seems unlikely, but sooner or later they're going to run out of things there are no models for, and what then? With any luck, they'll go back to the existing rages and redo some of the plastics. We can but hope.

Apparently the Cave Drake is one of the current projects, and we can look forward to seeing a release (that or something else, I don't know) at the end of 2009, but everything I've heard indicates there won't be anything new between now and then. What I've been hearing is that GW plan to reinstate the 3-month release schedule in 2010, but we'll have to weather a bleak spell in the meanwhile.

So, has anyone else heard anything? Post your rumours!

edit: how could I forget? A rumour I've been hearing this last week is that there's a new boxed game planned, a WotR "skull pass" to replace the Mines of Moria.

Author:  Ranger of Gondor [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So what's next for LotR?

Raukov wrote:
How could I forget? A rumour I've been hearing this last week is that there's a new boxed game planned, a WotR "skull pass" to replace the Mines of Moria.


Author:  Captain Ingold [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Uh oh, is GW descending into Playmobil and Lego's 'Pirate Island' deadlock, where they now compete for making the most stupid things possible?

Author:  samoht [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have no rumours but I have some idea's.

GW may release certain sourcebooks for the different ages of middle earth. Like the 1st age, 2nd age, 3rd age and 4th age. There would be different hero's, different styles of warriors and plenty of story's and scenarios to do.

Another Idea is that they could make a last Alliance source book, that has all the battles that the men and elves fought when they were fighting Sauron and his minions. Like it could have the famous battle of Dagorlad and stuff. It would also mean new better last allience models.

Author:  Hallpers [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

samoht wrote:
GW may release certain sourcebooks for the different ages of middle earth. Like the 1st age, 2nd age, 3rd age and 4th age. There would be different hero's, different styles of warriors and plenty of story's and scenarios to do.

Perhaps so, but I wouldn't buy any supplements with GW's own stories. Just look at the Harad sourcebook; Tolkien didn't wrote much about Harad, so GW invented they're own stories, and that supplement sucks...

Author:  Raukov [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

They can't touch anything from the first or second age that isn't seen or mentioned in the three books and corresponding movies, since that's all they have the rights to.

Author:  Amarthadan [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hahaha GW...never know what to expect. If for once the miniatures were GREAT...they come up with some other stupid thing... :yay:

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