The One Ring

Returning figures
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Author:  Mapper [ Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Returning figures ... g-wearers/

Frodo/Sam/Gollum at Mt Doom
Haldir with blade and bow
Gildor Ingloion and Glorfindel (foot and mounted)
Three mounted Black Riders
Three Dead Marsh Spectres
Two Barrow-wrights

Not sure if they will be made to order or what, article didn't specify.

Who is going to buy what? I just sold my Haldir with bow, I already have 9 riders and Gildor.

Nice to see some figures coming back, but for me nothing to buy this time.

Author:  Alex123 [ Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Excited to see Gildor returning ... a nice model, and will help complete my Rivendell. Been hard to find him on ebay.

Hoping to pick up some mounted ringwraiths ... would be nice if they could release the unarmoured witchking on horse to go with them.

Author:  slinky [ Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

A good selection for scenario players! I presume these are needed for the new Ringbearer quest book just like they were in the old Journey books?

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

If these are back in store and not made to order, then I'll probably end up getting a pack of Nazgul, the Mt. Doom set, and the Haldir models. Might not be until next Christmas though. Definitely glad to see a lot of these models again. Particularity the mounted Nazgul since the legion for them came out.

Author:  DaveT [ Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Gildor and Dead Marsh Spectres! Woo-hoo!

Author:  Tylus [ Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

I have a source that shows Witch King Unarmoured mounted, Galadriel Protectoress, metal cave trolls, elrohir/elladan unarmoured, arwen and frodo mounted, frodo sam orc armour, Cirdan and Ambush at Amon Hen being announced this coming weekend for following weekend too, and they are all webstore exclusives including the above. I may be missing one or two others. Glorious!

Been after Gildor for a while, annoyingly put in with Glorfindel so may still look on Ebay to save a faff. Barrow Wights too, then the God-mode Galadriel finally!

Author:  Mapper [ Tue Jan 12, 2021 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

If that is the case, excellent news!

Author:  geke [ Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Might be interested in Gildor. I have all the rest, except the Dead Marsh Spectres, and I if needed I could always proxy some Army of the Dead for them.

Author:  Alex123 [ Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Nice to see mounted witchking back ... I guess as the basic ringwraiths on horse come in packs of three there could be a few people selling off a leftover ringwraith soon. I think Gildor will be in more demand than Glorfindel too, so could be a few Glorfindels hitting ebay soon.

Great to see things coming back in stock. In some ways might be nice if they were made-to-order if that allowed them to make the orders more granular (eg. just buy Gildor without Glorfindel) but I guess it could get complicated for them quickly.

For a new idea, I think a plastic Amon Hen scenery kit would be fantastic. If they made it modular with a few wall pieces, a few pillars, a couple of statues and some steps then you could either build it as Amon Hen or combine kits to make all sorts of other ruins and structures, like with the clever Necromunda and 40k kits.

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Thu Jan 14, 2021 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Always good to see models returning. Gildor especially, I can't be the only one who paid ebay prices to get hold of him!

Author:  Alex123 [ Sat Jan 16, 2021 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Wow ... the website was crashing and most of the figures sold out! Pretty impressive for 15-20 year old models.

Well I got Gildor at least, if not the black riders.

Author:  Tylus [ Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Haha yeah I just had a look and all temp out of stock within the hour for UK, save for mount doom set.

Author:  slinky [ Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Mr Gimli wrote:
Always good to see models returning. Gildor especially, I can't be the only one who paid ebay prices to get hold of him!

Yep, me too :sad:

Author:  Alex123 [ Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

More new models confirmed for next Saturday, but these ones will be limited stock ... (I think the ones from yesterday should come back once they've made some more): ... cs-return/

Author:  Mapper [ Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

As Alex123 said, limited stock next week.

Saw a lot of moaning on Reddit yesterday about figures going fast, unable to buy, etc. Guess that means there is some interest still in the older Lord of the Rings figures. Hope everyone got what they wanted and hope to see some more works in progress when you get them. I wonder when they will be shipped though, my order last week still hasn't been processed.

What are people going to try and get next week? I'm going for the orc captains myself.

Author:  Tylus [ Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Oh crumbs, limited stock, how ridiculous. I've never seen those captains before somehow. Galadriel, Cirdan and dwarf buddies are for me, maybe the orc captains too. I am loathe to take part in these GW manufactured rushes though

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

A pity the trolls are not coming back full time. I suppose they are easy enough to get second hand, but they are so useful for Angmar and Moria that it would be nice to just have them on call. Especially since the whites and specters are back.

I, too, would like to get those orc captains nice I don't want to finecast command and that captain in Gondor armor was always cool looking. Also would like the Witch King mounted. I already have two mounted wraiths, so if I get the Witch King I would only need two sets of three to have all nine. Which would be neat.

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Definitely a few on the second release that I would want, problem with these limited runs is that they can come at a bad time. Don't know about you lot but I'm still recovering from Xmas.

Author:  slinky [ Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Could be a bit of a scramble to get these on Saturday. Shame they can't just be brought back into normal production...

Author:  Alex123 [ Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning figures

Hoping to get mounted witchking on Saturday ... I think that one could be very popular. I think scenario players want the black riders for the Quest of the Ringbearer, and tournament players for the new legendary legion which looks quite fun.

A shame they didn't make a new plastic sprue with three black riders foot and mounted, and some options (crown of morgul or normal head, flail vs sword). Bet lots of people would have bought three of that too.

Cirdan could be popular too ... he's handy in competitive play. I think the Amon Hen set is really nice, but fortunately I already got that when it first came out!

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