The One Ring

[*] Twisted Trees - by Dagorlad
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Author:  The One Ring Community [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  [*] Twisted Trees - by Dagorlad

Category: Natural Terrain
Type: Project

Article Name: Twisted Trees
Author: Dagorlad
Description: A simple guide to making sturdy, good looking trees for the gaming table

>>Read Full Article

Author:  Nolofinwe [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:27 am ]
Post subject: 


Great article Dagorlad! Those are some very realistic trees you have going on there :D.

Author:  Guest [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Great article, nice and simple yet very effective, I may even have a go at this myself.

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Very nice trees and an excellent article...I may try this on a future project!!

Author:  Viruk [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Excellent article, Dag. Very well written, with great pictures. The final effect is stunning. I will surely give it a try one day.

Thanks for submitting this very impressive and inspiring article!

Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Very nice Alan! I must try it some day! You make it looks so easy to make, and the result is just awesome!
Thanks for sharing!

;) Isc.

Author:  MacGothmog [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

:shock: :shock: :shock: WOW!!! Those trees are great!

Nice article, Alan! You made it look simple!
Nicelly written and great photos. I hope you have a couple more of articles in the closet to show us soon!

Oh! Great title too! :lol: twisted... hehe... funny

Cheers! :wink:

Author:  Dagorlad [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks guys. There is a history behind this article. I originally wrote a tree-making submission for White Dwarf back in April, to go with some rules and character profiles that Gollum Rules! wrote. They have been accepted and are sitting at the bottom of someone's in-tray in Nottingham now. I doubt they will ever see light of day, but oh well.

Anyway, the WD format is very restrictive - a maximum of 300 words for the entire article. I usually write that much in the first sentence, so I thought I'd rewrite the whole thing, retake the photos and make it significantly different for it to not be a breach of copyright, and post it here.

I have several articles under construction at the moment, but this one was the easiest to complete. My next one is a big one about Weathertop.

Author:  Peregrin Took [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Really nice, full of useful text about terrain making! :D

More, please!

Author:  BanJo [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

a great written article, with great pictures! I have always had problems with the gw tree, and these will make my table much better. thanks! :)

Author:  Faramir [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow :shock:

Great article alan :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Author:  Tobold Hornblower [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

I loved these tress when I saw them in your gallery (The Tulgy Wood), and had hoped for a guide someday.
Magnificent article, thoroughly useful, and I will most definitely try this.
Thank! :)

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Treebeard would approve... excellent results and a very clear, well illustrated guide. Haven't tried making trees yet myself but must remember this article for when that time comes around. Oh yeah, there's this white tree in a courtyard I have to make ...... old and twisted .... the tree, not me.... well, alright, old but not twisted....

Author:  DurinsBane [ Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:55 am ]
Post subject: 

After watching this article grow for the past 4.5 years ( :P ) has been well worht the wait !
Excellently written and very well presented to boot !!!
The overall result is excellent and the easy 'step-by-step' guide will be of great use to our members...great article article Alan !!!

Author:  Gstormcrow [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great article Al and a great idea to use electrical copper wire. I dont think many people would have thought of that. I think it was always coat hanger wire or garden wire and plaster paris that was in the GW guides?

Author:  noraab_lotr [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:46 am ]
Post subject: 

lol, thank the lord for you dagorlad.

i need to build some trees for my 4 by 3, and they are all a rip off that look pretty average. but now once again one of you guides has aided me greatly.
congratulations they look great and im waiting for some copperwire to start building right now.


Author:  Natarn [ Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  twisted trees

Brilliant models. Well explained article.

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