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 Post subject: 600 points SBG Relief Force
PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:54 pm 
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Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:58 pm
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I had a game against my brother yesterday (he's pretty new to the game so he made quite a few understandable blunders). I was playing Mordor and Easterlings whilst he was playing Rivendell.

I had:


The Mouth of Sauron-60 points
Orc captain with a shield on a warg-55 points

6 mordor uruk-hai, 2 with 2handed weapons-50 points
10 orc trackers-50 points
19 orc warriors with mixed equipment (can't remember exactly)-114 points
6 warg riders with shields- 78 points


Easterling captain-50 points

15 easterling warriors, 5 with shields, 4 with bows and spears, 4 with spears and shields, 1 with banner-152 points

Total:609 points (I accidentally went over a bit but we were in a rush to get started), 5 might, 59 models, 14 shots

He had:

Elrond-170 points
Erestor-75 points

20 high elf warriors with heavy armour and shields-200 points
11 high elf warriors with heavy armour and elf bows-121 points
3 high elf warriors with heavy armour, shields, and spears.-33 points

Total:599 points, 4 might, 36 models

Narrative: It is the last alliance and Elrond marches his army to the black gate to meet with the Numenoreans. Sauron knows of this and sends his trusted lieutenant, the Mouth of Sauron, to intercept them with a large band of ferocious warriors.

Objectives: the objectives were that he was to get as many of his models off my board edge and mine was to stop him.
Major good victory to him if he got 1/2 of his force including a hero off my board edge
Minor victory to him if he got 1/3 of his force including a hero off my board edge
Minor victory to me if he got a hero off the board edge but none of the other above conditions had been met
Major victory to me if none of the above conditions had been met

Special Rules:
Strength in Numbers: Evil is part of a larger force and does

The gaming board was a 5' by 4' table. We were to deploy 12" from our board edge. In the south-west corner there was a hill and on the western center of the board, there were 2 forests and some ruins with a gap between the forests and the ruins imbetween them. He won the roll off to choose which board-edge to play from and he chose the northern edge. I had to deploy half my army first and started with deploying the trackers on the hill and some orcs scattered about near the center and a few near the trackers. He then placed half his army which was most of his high elves with shields, the spear-armed ones, and Erestor on the extreme eastern flank. I then proceded to place my second half which was the uruks, remaining orcs and the mouth of sauron behind my trackers, I placed the Easterling pike-block near the center and the warg riders on my western flank on the west of the closer forest. He then placed his second half parallel to my easterlings with the archers in a long line and Elrond and the rest of the elves behind them.

Turn 1: Good priority. Move phase: My brother moves the archers 3" forward and starts moving the elves behind them past them. He moves Erestor's formation full-speed forwards. I start with moving my trackers and the MoS's warband behind them 3". I move the Easterlings 3" forward so the archers can shoot and the orcs on their flanks full-speed as cannon-fodder and to intercept his archers quickly. I keep my wargs hugging the woods to protect them from the elf-bows.
Shoot phase: my brother lets loose the arrows from his 11 elf bows killing 6 of my trackers, ouch. Disturbed by having my number of shooters nearly halved, I fire with my trackers and Easterlings killing none.

Turn 2: Evil priority: Move phase: I continue to slowly move forward with the Easterlings and the uruks and orcs. The cannon-fodders move full and the warg riders start spilling through the gap between the forests perfectly flanking his archers :twisted: . He moves forward again as last turn.
shoot phase: my archers fail to do anything again (man I hate strength 2). He gives his archers different targets this time, half of them fire at the none-too-eager trackers slaying another and the others at the oncoming orcs filling one with keen sharp arrows.

Turn 3:Evil priority: Move phase: My warg riders rush into his archers. The easterlings step up and move to start to close the gap between the trackers and themselves but are still about 7-8" away from them. The orc rabble moves full-speed towards Erestor's fomation spreading out and allowing the uruks to get a little closer to the front. Elrond's regiment hit the trackers and orcs on one side and Erestor's charges into the other but not many of his elves can get in combat yet.
Fight phase: the warg riders and the cannon-fodders terrorize the archers killing 3 and the captain adding another to the tally. Elrond calls a heroic fight slaying his target and proceeding to kill an uruk whilst the other participator runs over to kill a tracker.

Turn 4:Good priority: Move phase: The easterling captain calls a heroic move to nearly "plug" the gap between the formations whilst the wargs take the opportunity to smash into the archers once again and start spreading toward's Erestor's formation. Erestor's formation has now properly started kicking and Elrond's small bunch is nearly sandwhiched but Elrond attempts to cast nature's wrath with 2 will. He casts but I use all Mos's will to resist.
Fight phase: Erestor's formation kills a couple of orcs but things don't go so well for Elrond's bunch with the only kill from his group is an uruk he slays himself. The easterlings kill a few elves thanks to their superior support (pikes are so helpful in cramped situations like these). The warg riders continue to butcher the archers racking up 3 kills, the captain attempts a failed heroic fight and a warg rider single-handedly fends off 4 elves and kills 2!

Turn 5:Evil priority: Move phase: Erestor calls a heroic move stopping the wargs in their tracks. Elrond and Erestor continue to heavily pressure the now very small gap hoping to slay their way through. The uruks properly get into the fight now. Fight phase: Erestor's elves kill an orc and 2 rampaging warg riders and Elrond calls another heroic fight killing 2 easterlings. An elf is mobbed by uruks and orcs and another 2 elves are lost to the blood-thirsty wargs. The MoS loses a wound and his only fate in his first combat, not so good...

Turn 6:Evil priority (again!): Move phase: Elrond calls a heroic move with his last might and leads some elves out of the now largened gap. I could not move many guys as they had been stalled to let the elves that were breaking through get a chance to escape but the warg riders again get a chance to charge. Fight phase: some uruk-hai pop off an elf and the warg riders kill another 2. The fighting is now in a huge jumble of a melee. Elrond is attacked by the now nearly useless MoS but fails to kill him and the orc captain is un-horsed (or un-warged).

Turn 7: Evil priority (my brother's starting to get a bit annoyed at this time): Move phase: everyone is engaged where possible really and the orcs surround Erestor. The Easterlings and a few orcs manage to pin the escaping elves. Fight phase: the surrounded Erestor wins his fight but kills nothing. The orc captain and the uruk-hai kill 3 elves between them. Elrond fails to kill the MoS again.

Turn 8: Good priority: things are looking bleak for the elves. The elves stall as many as they can and those that can flee and are nearly off the board. Elrond helps stall the pursuing easterlings and kills 1 as well as a warg rider. Erestor kills an uruk with throwing daggers before he is mobbed again and this time isn't as lucky and is slain by the orc captain and his rabble. 3 elves are killed.

Turn 9: Evil priority: pretty much same as last turn but I kill enough elves to eliminate his chance of a minor victory so we call it a game.

A major victory to Mordor, a very different outcome to the story. Man of the Match? Has to be Elrond, he killed loads and led the elves through the gap without even losing a wound or even a fate point! In fact, he didn't even lose a fight. Warg riders did really well for me, I've learned they are great skirmishers. MoS dissapointed me but I guess you can't get perfect with every hero every time.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! :)

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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