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 Post subject: WotR 1,000 points, Moria vs Elves
PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:35 pm 
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Last Saturday, myself and General Elessar had a game. He had goblins whilst I had elves (yes, I know they suck) but we were using Xelee's houserules to see how they affected the game. Apologies for lack of photos, we didn't have much time so I did a rough job over paint.

George had:

The Undying

3x6 formations of goblins with shields
2 cave trolls
2x3 formations of prowlers

Tainted Palantir (Durburz was the holder)

I had:

The twins

2x3 formations of High elf cohorts
2x3 formations of wood elves with longbows

Key: Green formations= goblins with shields, Red formations=Goblin Prowlers, Grey formations=Cave Trolls. Green hero=Durburz, Red hero=the undying, Turqouis hero=Druzag.

Deployment: There was a 5 capacity forest slap bang in the middle, a 4 capacity forest in the north-east corner, a small 2 capacity ruin touching the west edge of the 5 capacity forest, and a 4 capacity ruin in the north-west corner. George deployed first. He put one formation of goblins directly north of the big forest with Durburz in it. He then placed the other 2 formations of goblins on either side of that one with the undying in the east and Druzag in the west formation. He then proceeded to place the prowlers inbetween the goblins as you can see. I deployed the two cohorts behind the forest and the wood elves parallel the undying and Druzag's formations. This is what it looked like at deployment.

Good, Light green formations=wood elves with long bows, blue formations=high elf cohorts. Light green hero=Thranduil, White hero=Galadriel, Blue hero=Elrohir, Light blue hero=Elladan.


Turn 1, Evil priority, George goes first thanks to the tainted palantir. Move phase: After a significant time of pondering, I decide to call a heroic move with Thranduil moving his formation into the forest. Evil formations move forward with the undying casting sunder spirit and following up with enfeeble on Thranduil's formation (but was out of range to gain his mastery level 3 for Arcana leech, we were playing Xelee's houserules if you remember). Druzag casts Shatter shields on thranduil's formation which he resists. Druzag then fails his focus roll (I can't remember exactly but I do remember he did nothing more significant that turn). Elves stay put except Galadriel's formation which moves a little forward. Galadriel casts instil valour on thranduil's formation and also uses a free epic renewal on him. She follows up with sunder spirit on the undying's formation but he dosen't attempt to resist saving his free will of iron for a worse spell that never comes.


Shoot phase and Charge phase: The elves release their arrows (ignoring shields thanks to house rules) and both formations slay 10 goblins from the undying and Druzag's formations, driving them back. Durburz and one formation of prowlers charge thranduil's elves *gasps of surprise*.


Post charge and shoot phase.


Fight phase: Thranduil's formation, enfeebled, start hacking away at the lighter armoured prowlers, halving their formation. But both goblin formations could only kill 3 elves in reprisal and become disordered (I should have called a duel here with Thranduil but NM).


Turn 2 Good priority, I go second, Move phase: the undying and druzag's formations move forward again with the undying enfeebling Galadriel's formation and also lowering their courage with sunder spirit. Galadriel's formation moves out of charge range ( I know, I'm a bit of a wimp). The prowlers run and hide in the small ruins.


Shoot phase: The elves fire again, slaying another 10 in each formation. Durburz decides not to charge the elves this turn (wise guy).


Post shoot phase


Turn 3, Good priority, I go second: This is where things get interesting. George moves the undying and druzag's formations forward close enough to charge the archers and moves the other prowlers round to charge thranduil's formation. Druzag casts exicate on the wood elves which Elrohir attempts to resist but fails however, with 6 dice (and he had rolled a 6 so it was with a strength of 3) he rolled nothing higher than a 3 which was quite amusing, but he followed up with a bolt of fire, incenarating 5 elves. The undying managed to lower the other wood elves' courage to 2 and then promptly reduced their strength to 1 (lucky effect dice mutter, mutter...) and then transfixed them. The prowlers attempted to leave the ruins but one of the goblins remembered he had some hot choclate and cookies in his bag at that moment and they all decided to stay in cover. This may have all been turn 4 but I can't remember exactly... Then I moved. Galadriel was sneaky and turned around to face Druzag's flank, Thranduil abandoned the terrain feature and did an about face moving behind the undying's formation. Galadriel managed to lower druzag's courage to 2 through a mix of light of the valar and sunder spirit but then failed the all-important focus die for casting Visions of Woe. I think this was turn 4 but I can't remember what happened in turn 3, anyway, not much significant happened that turn but this is roughly how the game turned out.


In the shoot phase, the western wood elves drove back druzag's formation considerably, getting 13 kills but George forsaw the carnage of the fight phase decided to surrender. A glorious victory for the elves! (for once)

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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 Post subject: Re: WotR 1,000 points, Moria vs Elves
PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:40 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Thanks for the report, what were your guy's feelings on the (un?) balance of the rules? I like where you put the Cohorts, next to terrain where they can pose some real problems and can be incredibly mobile via pathfinders and the defensible terrain 'slingshot effect'. And the Goblins charged past the trap and let you flank, they really want to be at least forming a wall to deny you this - since minimising return attacks is P1 for the Elves. Nicely played.

I think I actually prefer this report format to photos. Photos are easier though! :)

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 Post subject: Re: WotR 1,000 points, Moria vs Elves
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:23 am 
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Xelee wrote:
Thanks for the report, what were your guy's feelings on the (un?) balance of the rules? I like where you put the Cohorts, next to terrain where they can pose some real problems and can be incredibly mobile via pathfinders and the defensible terrain 'slingshot effect'. And the Goblins charged past the trap and let you flank, they really want to be at least forming a wall to deny you this - since minimising return attacks is P1 for the Elves. Nicely played.

I think I actually prefer this report format to photos. Photos are easier though! :)

Thanks. The houserules were mostly in my favour as George had his nazgul cut down to mastery 2, Durburz's epic strike was nerfed significantly and I got to ignore shields with my bows. It did take way longer than photos and I had a pretty rubbish drawing program but I'm quite pleased on how it turned out.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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