The One Ring

Middle earth in flames campaing
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Author:  Hilbert [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Middle earth in flames campaing

So with my brother we yesterday started the campaing, middle earth in flames... But instead of Rohan and Mordor we used Elves and Evil men.
Me: Gondor, Evil men(can also have orcs and Ringwraiths)
Brother: Elves, isengard
We used the special rules who gives each faction an advntage

Each faction starts with two 500 points armies, one in the capital and one around the capital in the fields.
Turn 1:
Priority: Elves-Evil men-Isengard-Gondor
Each faction got 100 points in their treasure total. The elves got Helm's deep and both armeis went north taking under control West Emnet, The evil men weren't too lucky, one army moved toward Minas morgul while the other towards Barad-dur. As for Isengard one army passed north between the mountains while the other took the Gap of Rohan. Last Gondor one of Gondor's army went up towards Cair andros while the other went south taking Pelagrir.
Turn 2
Priority: Evil men-Gondor-Isengard-Elves
Evil men just took another +100 from their capital automatically. The south army moved really slow while the other one passed conquering Morannon and mving outside the mountains of Mordor. Gondor was the only one to got to 300 points in treasure total. The north army wasn't able to pass the woods while the Pelagrir one moved just one spot and another army was created of 300 points. Isengard had as the elves 200 points in their treasure total. Their south army moved just one spot while the other went north taking the misty mountains. The elves moved to take East Emnet and Fangorn.
Turn 3
Priority:Isengard-Elves-Gondor-Evil Men
Isengard got +200 points and created an 300 points army at Orthanc while their armies moved throught mountains and fields towards Fangorn. Elves also got +200 points arriving 400. The elven army managed to get Fangorn while the other one moved full taking under control East Emnet and Entwash. My army of Gondor on south moved unluckily only one space while the other one passed Cair Andros and arrived near the dead marshes I also added+100 points at the Pelagrir's army but I forgot to move it. The south evil emn army really moved slow, the north one took dead marshes and attackd my gondor army. As I couldn't fight myself my brother played the evil force.
You can view this battle and any other future battles at my blog. Just got at my signature which has the link.
My brother won, my dices were really bad and so Gondor's northern borders were left unprotected.
So end of first day. Here is a map I made that shows the territory of each faction

Author:  fritskuhntm [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

campaigns are always fun, sounds like you had a good time :-D

Author:  Hilbert [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

Thank you very much.
Second day
Priority:Evil men-Gondor-Isengard-Elves
Evil me doubled their treasure arriving at 600. Their armies took Minas morgul and then Cair Andros which was unprotected. Gondor took 200 points but was on a really bad situation. Her armies moved to east and west.Isengard took only 100 points. One army moved into Fangorn while the other two marched outside Helm's deep. The elves collected +300 points arriving 700 and put 500 of them at Helm's deep which was unprotected. One army moved toward Rauros while their Fangorn army met the Isengard one. Elves won habing more warriors.
For the battle go at my blog.
Turn 5
Priority: Gondor-Evil men- Isengard-Elves
Gondor got 100 points and created an army to protect Minas tirith. The east army moved to take Ithilien whiel the other one took river Gilrain. The evil men wnt 1000 points in total. They created a 700 points army at Dead marshes while one army moved outside Minas tirith. The other one wasn't able to get out of Mordor. Isengard took only 100 points. My brother moved his 300 points army instead of the 500 one to fight the 500 elven force at Helm's deep. The other army went north trying to save Misty mountains. The elves surprisingly just took 100 points.For the battle I say again go at my blog. The Isengard lost again.
1st Elves 6
2nd Evil men 5
3rd-4th Gondor and Isengard 3
Is clear that isengard and Gondor are in a real bad situation while Evil emn rises taking advantage of the elves trying to find out strategic points at difficult-terrain areas.
And here is how Middle-earth looks like:

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

Looks good on your blog space, was flicking from each shot of the map, certainly helped me understand more what moves were being played out. Definitely make a folder for all the campaign turn movements, so we can scroll through them :)

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

Keep it going. It's always fun to see campaigns progress.

Author:  Hilbert [ Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

Thank you very much, happy to do a campaing althought it would be better with four players. :-D
The post with just all the maps on top of my blog :wink:

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

Ho ho, what do we have here? If I was in Greece, I'd volunteer to be player number 3, it looks like you've done some serious work with that campaign map, and if i'm not too busy, i will regularly retuurn to this space tp see it progress.

Author:  Hilbert [ Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

Thank uoi very much part 3 on the way 8)

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

Looks fun, the only reason I haven't tried this yet is that my group doesn't have any suitable terrain!

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

Fast work with the map album! Looks great :)

Are you finding the campaign rules fun? Any changes you would make?

Author:  Hilbert [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle earth in flames campaing

It is very nice althought we stopped it because of my cold and we don't have enough time for so many battles so propably we will do a full one at summer,
Sorry :(

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