The One Ring

Standard game types in LOTR SBG?
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Author:  Ozmo [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

Greetings everyone,

Me and three friends have just started with the game again, and up until now we have just played games where the goal was to take out all the figures of the other player. But we want to play som other types of games also.

So I wonder how typical LOTR SBG games are played? What's typical goals and how are victories decided?

I know we can try to look up scenarios in the books, but they are quite specific for a certain terrains/maps etc. I also want some general game types that can be applied to different terrains.

Do you for example play games where you must hold certain points to achieve "victory points"? How do you calculate points and victory in a game like this?
And how are tournament games played?

Sorry for all the questions. Answers are greatly appreciated. :)

- Ozmo

Author:  Bartelomeus [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

Do you have the new books? Kingdoms of Men, Mordor, Fallen Reams etc.
6 basic scenario's are described there including victory conditions, and they're set up to play with all kind of terrain and forces.

Don't know if I'm allowed to post them though...

Author:  Ozmo [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

No, I've only got some old books from FOTR, TTT and ROTK starter sets. I will probably buy some new books when I have the chance.

Ahh, that's quite possible. Hopefully someone can explain common game types that's not directly cut out from the books.

Author:  imrail [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

In the One Ring rule book there are a couple of different scenarios and Legions of Middle Earth has a bunch.
The journey books and source books are also full of scenarios.

You could make up your own scenario's, or take inspiration from existing scenario's.
* Completely kill each other
* Capture the hill type of scenario's
* Get an x amount of miniatures to the other side
* Siege battles
* Play with reinforcements, roll for the other half of your miniatures before they turn up

And there are a bunch more :)

Author:  Chris GoM [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

There's two on the GW blog: ... 100046-gws

And a couple I made here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22483
couple more here: ... =23&t=2852

Some in these two, if you want themed scenarios, or ideas I have some threads on TLA: , ... =23&t=2142, ... =23&t=2761, and ... =23&t=3421
or you could use the objectives from them for your own scenarios

Author:  Jacob [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

Here's our scenario list - they're win/loss scenarios and you can tweak them depending on the size of your board so they are vague (and Capture the Ring was taken from somewhere on this forum!). We have a few good siege scenarios too!

Basic Scenario Table
First Roll Second Roll Result
1 - Pitched Battle
2 1 or 2 Break Through
2 3 or 4 Champion
2 5 or 6 Surrounded
3 1 or 2 Corners
3 3 or 4 Assassination
3 5 or 6 Part of a Bigger Battle
4 1 or 2 Switch
4 3 or 4 Building Defence
4 5 or 6 Take and Hold
5 1 or 2 Race
5 3 or 4 Hunters
5 5 or 6 Capture the Ring
6 - Roll Again

Pitched Battle: Each army deploys 6” in from opposite sides of the board; the first to be reduced to 25% of their starting number is the loser.

Break Through: The attackers move on and must get 33% of their models off the opposite board edge.

Champion: Each player nominates a hero; the player whose hero has the most kills after twelve turns is the winner. If the scores are level continue until someone has won at the end of a turn.

Surrounded: The defenders start with their troops in a 12” circle in the center of the board, they must get 50% of their troops off any board edge. The attackers move on from all board edges.

Corners: Each force is split into two groups and starts the game in 6” boxes in diagonal corners of the board. The first army reduced to 25% of its starting number is the loser.

Assassination: Each player nominates an opposing hero; they must kill the opposing player’s nominated hero. If the heroes both die in the same turn the player who killed the hero worth the most points is the winner.

Part of a Bigger Battle: The game is played on a 2’ by 2’ board. The forces begin split into two groups in all corners of the board (like in corners). D6 models for each side start the game. Every turn roll a dice for each allied model. On a 1 they will not take part in the battle. On a 2 or 3 they do not enter play yet. On a 4 or 5 they move on from any table edge. On a 6 they move on from where the opposing player chooses. The winner is the player who has most warriors gathered within 3” of an objective at the center of the board on turn 8 when the game ends.

Switch: Each player deploys in 12” by 12” squares in diagonal corners of the board. The first player to get four models at once into the opposing team’s deployment area wins.

Building Defence: The defenders have three buildings in their deployment zone. All three of the buildings must survive. They are defence 6 and have 4 wounds. The game ends on the roll of a 5 or 6 from turn 8 onwards. The game is played on a 4 x 4 board.

Take and Hold: From turn 8 the game ends on the roll of a 5 or 6. The player with the most models within 3” of a territory captures it. The player with the most of the three territories wins.

Race: Each player nominates a non-mounted hero. The player whose hero leaves the opposite board edge first wins.

Hunters: 15 neutral warriors (unarmed goblins) are placed in the center of the board. They fight for and are controlled by the player who wins priority. Whoever kills the most neutral warriors is the winner.

Capture the Ring: A ‘ring’ is placed in the center of the board. Models can pick up the ring at no cost to their movement; they may also pass the ring instantly by moving into base contact with an ally. Players win by moving a model carrying the ring off the opposite board edge. The board is 3’ by 3’. No mounts allowed. The game ends from turn 8 on a 5+. If the ring hasn’t been scored at that point, the player whose side the ring is closest to is the loser. Warriors and heroes respawn at their own board edge but may not move, charge, or shoot in the turn they respawn. Heroes that have respawned count as having died for the purposes of permanently losing fate and wounds

Author:  Ozmo [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

Thank you all for great answers! We will try much new stuff the next times we play. I'm really looking forward to it, it was much good stuff here.

Author:  simmuskhan [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

Love that selection of scenarios! Have you adjusted them for war bands yet? I know games are shorter now and warband deployment might muck up some of them? Again- what a great list!

Author:  numenor [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

you should check out fear, fire foes awake scenario pack. it is quite fun. also maybe try out some battle company games?

Author:  SeveredHead [ Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

My friends and I typically play using scenarios from the journey books and source books. They are rather enjoyable and relaxing to play.

Author:  Jacob [ Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Standard game types in LOTR SBG?

@simmiskhan No I haven't got the new sourcebooks so I'm hestitant to change them yet - I only created them to go with a Fellowship journeying accross Middle Earth type campaign that I created a while ago... You can download that here: although it has been updated since. It's quite good at just making you play different missions with different forces...

I also have the Return of the King Journey Book and I can recommend that!

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