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 Post subject: 750pt tournament
PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2019 12:16 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:44 pm
Posts: 67
Played a 3 game 750 pt tournament
My list

Return of the King

Elven cloak

11 warriors of the dead with shields
2 warriors of the dead with shields and spears

King of the dead
9 warriors w shields
3 warriors w shields and spears


Match 1. Domination
vs Kingdom of Dwarf town

18 kings guard

6 warriors w bow

1 vault warden team
5 warriors w shields
1 banner

1 bolt thrower

My opponent deployed the kings guard and warriors center. With the king and archers to flank and capture a pair of objectives. Aragon and the king tag teamed around the battle line participating in heroic combats to thin the numbers of the dwarfs while my warriors did the standard 'shield in 1v1s or worse, fight in 2v1s or better' The dwarfs D7 was no match for blades of the dead. I frustrated my opponent with Aragons unlimited might, forcing him to use some of Durins might, and eventually I decided the time was right. Aragon and the king jumped and eliminated him. No more bodyguard no more warhorn. The match was one sided after that.

6-2 victory.

Game 2. Seize the prize vs Thranduils halls

Thranduil, Circlet and heavy armour
A mess of palace guard and warriors
A banner

6 warriors

6 rangers
5 warriors

Not much to report really. I double free heroic marched with almost my entire army, grabbed the prize with Aragon. And called heroics moves and marches with him til he was off the board. There were no clutch combats or heroic duels, as my opponent had also committed heavily to the centre of the board to try and secure the prize first.

7-0 win

Round 3 vs Angmar/Mordor/Denizens of mirkwood. Fog of war

10 warg riders
2 dead marsh spectres

Spider queen
11 fighty little spders
1 big spider boi


Kill spider queen protect my king of the dead

My opponent wanted to protect shelob and kill legolas

Sharp eyed readers will recognise this list from my last 750 wrap up. It beat the hell out of my Uruks. Time for Vengeance!!

The board was forest heavy, so no protection there. I pushed my troops forward knowing my terror would protect me, and sure enough as the battle lines drew and the terror tests were taken (from both sides) I had all the running. No spear supports and cowardly troops meant my opponent couldn't leverage any pressure and Aragon and the king went about murdering their way across the board. I killed the spider queen in the 2nd round of combat, and I was chopping away at Shelob when the game abruptly ended due to my opponent breaking. a 9-1 victory that would have been bigger had the game gone longer!!!

1st place after a 2nd and a 3rd in my first 2 ever tournaments. This LOTR stuff is easy!!! :P

Might play Numenor next time to really get a challenge!!!
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