The One Ring

The Lockholes
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Author:  DaveT [ Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  The Lockholes

My Scouring of the Shire (2019) playthrough continues with The Lockholes:


Author:  Kuribo [ Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Lockholes

It is a bit disappointing to hear that this scenario wasn't more interesting. If I remember correctly (and I very well may not be), this scenario allows you to rescue previously captured heroes in the campaign. Maybe that is why the Hobbits had a relatively easy time with it? I want to say that in the Scouring of the Shire appendix, the hobbits broke out or won the Lockholes from the Ruffians at one point or another.

Regardless, it does seem like this is missing something and is too much of a straight up fight. Bit of a bummer but there haven't been many misses so far in your reports which has been really nice to hear :)

Author:  DaveT [ Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Lockholes

There is indeed a campaign rule allowing the hobbits to free heroes captured earlier in the campaign. That's cool and thematic, but from what I can see doesn't matter much, because the mechanics seem to ensure that either everyone gets out or no one does.

I keep hoping for the disappointing scenarios that someone will point out something that I've missed.

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