Right, now if this goes horribly wrong, then I am very sorry.
These are my own house rules that I have made for, well, me! For I am Robermir, warg slayer of ledgend!
Deep Evil laughter
Robermir (man) Points Value: 95
Robemir 5/4+ 45 2 2 5
- Wargs Bane (2h sword)
- Light armour (already included in profile)
- Elven Hunting bow (elf bow)
- Elven Hunting Dagger
Special Rules
Wargs Bane. Wargs bane is a magical two-handed sword that was forged by the master smiths of the dwaves centuries ago, and has somehow found it's way into Robermirs hands. The weapon acts like a normal 2h sword, unless Robermir is fighting a warg (This includes warg riders as well as wild wargs). In this case, the 2h sword penalty is negated and counts as a single handed weapon. Also if Robemir wins the Combat, any wounds against the warg or rider will automaticly wound on a 4+ (the bonus for the two handed weapon still applies though).
Speed shooting! Robermirs years of warg hunting have taught him that sometimes it is better to fire lots and lots of arrows without aiming, rather than firing one accuratly. During the shooting phase, Robermir can either fire one normal shot up to the bows maximum range (36-inches)
or he can fire 2 shots at anything up to 8 inches away. These will only hit on a 5+ as Robemir is spending less time on the aiming and more time on shooting.
Elven Hunting Dagger Robermir carries a large elven hunting dagger with him at all times. During the fight phase, Robermir can either use wargs bane, or may strike with one attack with his hunting dagger. This counts as a normal hand weapon and does not suffer the pentalty for being armed with a dagger.
P.s. A quick thanks to everone who has left coments about my character, you've been a big help!