Valamir wrote:
I now have an album- muah ha ha ha!!!!
It may be visited (I think...), seeing as I'm not yet sure how this works. Technology. *sigh*
It is working

, I actually really like your conversion, I never understood why his staff was so prominent but had no use his model will be changed with the release of the Hobbit because that model looks nothing like Lee Pace however much they make him look elvish I'm still not seeing it.
When the new model comes out I plan to convert Thranduil by getting rib of his quiver and possibly his sword (not decided) and turn he into one of the 2 Istari that went east I have brought the Sharkey model to be the other one after seeing someone's (can't remember who it was for the life of me) conversion/paint job on this forum
P.S I don't know exactly what they are (I want to say Rangers of the North) but your mounted ranger type people look amazing as well