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 Post subject: Why do you play your army?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:38 pm 
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Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:38 am
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Hi! Which army do you play/paint and why?
I'm just curious of others opinions. :-D

I am playing with Isengard and Mordor. I like the elite infantry Isengard brings to the table and I love their armour.

Mordor is more of an army for fun for me. I like the variation of the models and I have always wanted to swarm the field a bit.

If I could, I would have been painting dwarves. But my buddy was first with that :sad: :rofl:


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 Post subject: Re: Why do you play your army?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:18 pm 
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Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:21 pm
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When I first started, I picked high elves because I loved the way they look in the prologue of fotr, and how awesome Elrond seemed basically. But since then, I've stuck with them not just because of the models, of which the shielded spearmen and heavily armoured heroes are the best, but also because I love the way they play. They are essentially a grindy shieldwall army, but one that is few in numbers and has little killing power, but lots of staying power. Armies that are heavily reliant on big heroes like Elrond or Glorfindel are almost always great fun to play, and getting Gil-Galad, Isildur, and the twins in at 850 points with 50 models is I think the perfect balance of competitive and fun.
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 Post subject: Re: Why do you play your army?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:11 pm 

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Number one rule, fun. The army has to be fun to play. Number two rule (beings I am from the Pacific Northwest in the states I am a bit of a hipster) it can't be a super popular army. I had a force of easterlings built back when the only pieces available were the capts and the spear and shield pieces. No one played easterlings then. Rule three, something interesting. I love to bend the rules, not break them or cheat mind you, but find those exceptions such as 50% or 100% bow limit armies. All hero armies (my favorite is still Gandy the white on shadowfax and Armored Boromir).

Since Easterlings are all developed, to include their own Nazgul, I am working on a Khandish force, an arnor force (the ranger version is done, now I'm working on the Arvedui version with heavy infantry) and a Numenor force. Well, to be honest, it is a Last Alliance force, but I am excited to field Elly with Narsil and race around with a pack of numenorians (free heroic combats!) supporting Gil Galad.
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 Post subject: Re: Why do you play your army?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:43 pm 
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Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:38 am
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I've also always liked the high elves. Their armour is so gorgeous and their heroes is very fun to play with. Too bad they have a low number of infantry choices and their shields is quite expensive too ;( But oh god I have always wanted to field a Gil-Galad or a Glorfindel and just see the look of my enemies when they carve their way through the armies. ;)

Cool ideas and armies jdizzy! I have always wanted to field an Arnor army but they were just too expensive for me x) I like the creativity :) Let your inner hipster go ham

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