The One Ring

The Dark Marshall
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Author:  Richard of Rohan [ Mon May 11, 2009 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  The Dark Marshall

I used to have LOME when it was first released but i kinda lost it... was the Dark Marshall in the Mordor section? I can't remember...

thanks in advance

Author:  goblin_king [ Mon May 11, 2009 4:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Might be, Might not.
Phone your local GW, they can tell you, unfortunately we can't.

Author:  Joansean [ Mon May 11, 2009 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

goblin_king wrote:
Might be, Might not.
Phone your local GW, they can tell you, unfortunately we can't.

Yes, we can, to risk sounding like Barack Obama.

The Dark Marshal, or any other named Ringwraith for that matter (apart from the big guy and Khamul), were introduced in the Mordor sourcebook, and thus they were not in LOME yet. He is a part of the Nazgul List in Mordor.

Perhaps you are thinking of a Black Numenorian Marshall, he was featured in both LOME and Mordor, but a figure has never been released for him.

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