The One Ring

Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?
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Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Evening all!

Just watched The Hobbit and I loved it! I wasn't very interested in the new Hobbit starter set (or any of the other figs for that matter) but now I really really want it! Did anyone feel the same way? Is anyone else weighing up whether to but the new figs and still waiting to see the film?

Author:  fingolofthedalish [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Yeh I didn't want 2 spend anymore money b4 Christmas, saw movie, going to GW 2moro :-D

Author:  greendragon [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Amazed by it, I have the box set (limited edition one too) and opened it to browse the sprues, left it for two days while I got on with work. Then I saw the film. First thing I did when I came back (over the moon at what I'd just witnessed) was take a look at my box set in a VERY different light. I've got my brush in gear, finished my current project and cleared space to start this a.s.a.p. Can't wait to get stuck into painting AND gaming and I look forward to seeing the new releases of some of the other characters from the film. In particular, my better half really wants a model of Radagast and his Rabbit Sleigh!

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

So does mine, Green Dragon! She was especially taken by Radagast and his merry band of bunnies - as was I! Speaking of which, I am VERY tempted to order the limited edition box set off of your site now! Might just do that tomorrow!

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

And lucky you, fingol, no GW open on sunday anywhere near where I live :( thank goodness for green dragon :D

Author:  greendragon [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Be quick if you do! I believe GW are now down to standard editions (won't know until Tuesday morning when I get confirmation on my re-stock order) but I have 2 in stock. Yeah I had to get limited edition purely because the misses wanted the Radagast mini, despite his very silly pose. Personally, I think the newer finecast model from the rulebook and the potential sleigh model will be the direction I'll go in. I really look forward to seeing Grimhammer Dwarves, Azog on his amazing looking White Warg (dare I say beautiful?) and maybe some new Eagle poses, it was nice to see Gandalf riding one of the Eagles - would be even better if that were a model released.

Also, I'd like to throw in a quote...
Click to: Show
"... and I've got six Ratlund Rabbits. I'd like to see them try... YAHOOOO!"

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

That part was amazing :D and how quotable is that line?!

Thanks for the warning, green dragon, i'll see how i feel in the morning but chances are high i'll be ordering one of your last 2 special editions :)

Author:  Curufinwë [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

I saw the movie last night and was both annoyed :-X and impressed :D . As a movie it was great as The Hobbit several thing annoyed me greatly. My first introduction to J.R.R. Tolkien as a kid was The Hobbit and thus I'm a bit of a fan boy when it comes to it. I love the look the of the new armors in the movie. Still not really a fan of the new Goblins.

P.S. I saw the 3d version I loved the beginning most of all.

Click to: Show
Loved the coloring and detail in Elronds armor and want so bad to build a Mirkwood army with the armors that they showed when Erebor falls.

Author:  Draugluin [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Click to: Show
Gosh, those elves looked drop dead GORGEOUS in their armor, and Thranduil on his Stag? SO MUCH WANT, SO LITTLE MONEY!

And I don't normally call stuff gorgeous!

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Same, I really like the new goblins after seeing the film.

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Sticky Fingersss wrote:
Same, I really like the new goblins after seeing the film.

It's almost like the 'Eavy Metal team and the action figure company saw just production stills without the proper make-up or lighting. Where the official GW colour scheme and the toys are clean-looking and quite bright, the movie itself has the Goblins looking dark and filthy. Much better, imo.

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Yes, Lord Hurin, exactly what I thought too! I guess they'll adopt a new painting scheme soon, now that the films are out, as they did with some LOTR figs... Strider's overcoat comes to mind, it used to be VERY green (almost unnaturally so) but over the years GW changed the paint scheme to make it look more like the movie.

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Such a brilliant film, start to finish. Easily the best film this year and a much better start to the trilogy than Fellowship of the Ring was (I am by no means slating FotR, merely saying how the Hobbit was on a par with, if not better than, Return of the King). I really liked the goblins, especially the King, which surprised me after seeing their models. Azog was fantastic, all the Dwarves were perfect and Martin Freeman as Bilbo, what a match! As others have sad too, the new armours shown throughout are brilliant too. If Life of Pi gets the visual effects Oscar over this I'm going to be one disappointed fan.

Definitely going to need to buy some minis now, despite having no intention to pre-film.

Author:  greendragon [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Lord Hurin wrote:
Sticky Fingersss wrote:
Same, I really like the new goblins after seeing the film.

It's almost like the 'Eavy Metal team and the action figure company saw just production stills without the proper make-up or lighting. Where the official GW colour scheme and the toys are clean-looking and quite bright, the movie itself has the Goblins looking dark and filthy. Much better, imo.

A good read of December's White Dwarf reveals that the Citadel team saw the supporting cast in costume as the Goblins in the green room before their scene was being shot, there they took photographs and based the design on that. So yes you are correct, they've based it on the wrong lighting/setting!

Author:  Bastion.HUN [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

Sometimes this film was very boring, they should cut out several scenes from the first our. I liked the orcs, that is all I want as a figure.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

The rabbits are Rhosgobel rabbits -

Radagast lived for much of his time in Middle-earth at Rhosgobel in the Vales of Anduin, on the western eaves of Mirkwood, between Carrock and the Old Forest Road, near the Gladden Fields, its name deriving from Sindarin rhosc gobel meaning "brown village". Radagast had a strong affinity for – and relationship with – wild animals, and it seemed his greatest concern was with the kelvar and olvar (flora and fauna) of Middle-earth. He was wiser than any Man in all things concerning herbs and beasts. It is said he spoke the many tongues of birds, and was a "master of shapes and changes of hue". Radagast is also described by Gandalf as "never a traveller, unless driven by great need", "a worthy Wizard", and "honest".

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

You sure know your stuff, greendragon, you too Dorthonion, thanks for the info! :D

Author:  MeatBoy1994 [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

I freakin' LOVED Azog; I can't wait for his model to be released! (I hope it's a ft. and mtd.)

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

A bit off topic but did anyone else think it was pretty neat that they finally showed us some female dwarves, even though they didn't really get much screen time?

Author:  moggy29 [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did anyone feel this way after watching the film?

I cant wait for the Elrond to be released in the armour he had one when he pulled into Rivendell on his horse looked amazing

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