The One Ring |
Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
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Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Id just like to know what kind of stuff you guys are getting out there. We all know its fun to try to check ebay or scoure other websites. Its always nice to find a lot of miniatures for super cheap. So Ill start with my most recent acquisitions. Its two lots combined, but Im just going to post it as one. Total price: $200 USD These following were a very odd color scheme of Gold, Royal Blue, and Magenta, but Ill just strip them. Khamul (on foot) 12x Nazgul unnamed on foot including Witch King drawing sword x2 2x Castellans of Dol Guldur Now normal: 30x uruk-hai warriors 15x sword/shield 15x Pike Morder Troll (bare) including a lot of extra troll bits Mouth of Sauron (mounted and on foot) painted decently Following all new bare metal: 13 metal Uruk Crossbow 13 metal Uruk Berserkers 3 Orc Bow metal OOP 9 Old metal Orcs OOP Damrod With him I got 6 or so Faramirs Rangers...not sure on the numbers. Then a mix of what looks like 10 Rangers of the North or Dunedain. All in all, between those three profiles there are 19 figures. Radagast the brown old version Boromir Dying, Captain of the Tower on foot, and Of Gondor on horse. And last but not least, the best value, a Gildor Inglorian. Yup. So yeah, Id consider that a good haul for the price. Considering Gildor goes for like 40-50 himself, the troll 20-25 minmum, Mouth Of Sauron minimu 25, and the various mix of new oop metals including Old Orcs, Id say huge score. Personally out of this whole lot I plan on only keeping the troll some berserkers, Radgast, MOS, a couple wraiths, and some Ranger/Dunedain variants. The rest will go for trade or auction. The Haul: 7 named heroes 22 unanmed 88 infantry roughly 1 monster Many new OOP models My rating: A+ You guys? |
Author: | Sikano [ Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:41 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
I can't remember fully what all the miniatures were. I had gotten close to a hundred miniatures many of them metal for about $40. I remember trying to figure out what it would cost to buy them used even. Used they were still around $200 worth. Some were rare like metal bolt repeater. Felt pretty good about that. Castellans metal is quite a catch for you though! |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:16 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
For sure. I have one, but I would like two. So Im happy about that. Painting and dealing with the finecast version with all that armor that spikes out does not seem fun haha |
Author: | Sikano [ Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
LordoftheBrownRing wrote: For sure. I have one, but I would like two. So Im happy about that. Painting and dealing with the finecast version with all that armor that spikes out does not seem fun haha I have been having SO much trouble finding a mounted and on foot witch king and kind of regret breaking down and getting a finecast one because of all the spikes. Meh. |
Author: | Lhosseth [ Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:20 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Congrats on Gildor! I had to buy the Guardians of the Shire set myself to get him. There went 80 euro's.... I found my best deals in ones that needed stripping. Last year, it was easy buying lots a good prices, now I find the market has gone up a bit too much for my liking. For 65 euro's, I got: 24 Wood Elves 24 Galadhrim 18 Haldir's Elves, 3 of each 6 Guards of the Galadhrim Court, 2 of each Rúmil Legolas Elrond Gil-Galad Haldir Galadriel And for 40 euro's I got: Original White Council set Galadhrim Knights Warriors of the Last Alliance 36 Haradrim Warriors And the later ones I sold for an offer of 15 euro's ![]() |
Author: | Mars_2000 [ Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:02 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Hi... My 3 best personal deals so far: 1st place - Gandalf on cart - metal and new in the box - bought for less than 15 GBP incl. delivery 2nd place - King's Champion - metal and new in the box - 15.5 GBP incl. delivery 3rd places - 5 mounted Nazguls and Arwen with Frodo on horse - all metals for around 20 GBP and Gondor Battery Trebuchet - complete metal set for less than 13 GBP. |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:34 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Wow that is one cheap Gandalf! I totally would have bought that. Sikano wrote: LordoftheBrownRing wrote: For sure. I have one, but I would like two. So Im happy about that. Painting and dealing with the finecast version with all that armor that spikes out does not seem fun haha I have been having SO much trouble finding a mounted and on foot witch king and kind of regret breaking down and getting a finecast one because of all the spikes. Meh. Omg yeah I understand. I currently use the Shadow Lord, or the unnamed Witch King. I really want the flaming sword model. Im currently bidding on it, but Im already afraid its going to high for something I can easily proxy. I already have the on foot model. Do you? Lhosseth wrote: I found my best deals in ones that needed stripping. Last year, it was easy buying lots a good prices, now I find the market has gone up a bit too much for my liking. Nice deals man! Good job. Thats a really nice elf lot. |
Author: | Mars_2000 [ Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
LordoftheBrownRing wrote: Wow that is one cheap Gandalf! I totally would have bought that. I know ![]() Simply had some luck, as it was bought occasionally from other LotR player, locally in Poland. |
Author: | Paradigm [ Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
The other week I did a deal for 24 Morannons and 5 metal Weathertop Wraiths for £10 from an old friend. Bit of a bargain, I reckon. He has a bunch more to sell as well, so I may have to see what else I can get. |
Author: | painthammerstudios [ Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:24 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
My personal best deal ever in my life was a trade I did on craigslist just recently. He had a bin of lord of the rings models, both plastic and metal, and didn't want them at all. I traded him a Space Marine Rhino, some imperial ruins, and a Stormraven. I got: A ton of plastic rohan, harad, and goblins A mumak missing some parts but still usable Escape From Goblin Town box set, brand new Mordor troll new in box Thrain new in blister 9 OOP metal Khandish horsemen metal Khandish king's chariot metal Khandish Charioteer metal Khandish cheiftain ft and mtd new in blister several metal khandish warriors rare Rohan Captain with axe TWO Gandalf the Grey mounted!! 28 metal hobbits (militia, archers, sherrifs, plus characters) Scouring of the shire box set Breaking of the fellowship box set dark marshall ft and mtd kahmul the easterling on foot aragorn and theoden mounted from warg attack Celeborn Galadriel Rohan Royal Guards foot and mounted and too many bits to count... I'm still in shock. |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Holy ****. Yup. Great deal. Ive also bought off a guy locally and over time receieved tons of Fiefdoms, Hobbits, and much more.....very lucky. Trading is cooler though for such a deal. |
Author: | Nevinsrip [ Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
I also collect toy soldiers and I once traded a guy a small, boxed playset that was worth about 30 bucks, for what he described as "a big box of LOTR junk." He bought the box at a liquidation auction when his local hobby store went out of business. He later told me that it cost him 12 bucks! It was a big box, about the size of a small air conditioner. It had to be big, because it contained 120 blisters and another 50 or so loose metal figures. The figures were loose, because the guy kept the box in his barn (Wisconsin, brrrrr) and the cardboard blisters fell apart over the years. All of the essentials were included in this box and this is what formed the backbone of my collection. Most of the cardboard was ruined, so I had no qualms about opening the packs and having the figures painted. This was either in 2005 or 2006, so you can imagine what was included in the trade. Best deal I ever did. It was amazing to me how many toy soldier collectors had LOTR stuff that they had picked up in deals too good for them to pass up. Or that the LOTR figures were "throw ins" from larger deals, so they took them. But they didn't have any use for them other than for trade value. Anyway, I cleaned up back in those days. I took ads in toy soldier magazines and on collector websites and quite a bit of my collection came from deals made from those ads. |
Author: | Paradigm [ Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
I just got a (used) MT Banner bearer (the rarer one, with the larger banner) for £2.50 on Ebay, it looks to usually go for £12-17, so I think I did pretty well there. Being metal, it should be easy to strip, and save me duplicating the more common one for my second banner. |
Author: | JamesR [ Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Mine would definitely be picking up the complete, and still new in box Escape from Orthanc set. I got it yesterday for $10. It often fetches $100+ on eBay |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Did you get that metal Orc with the mace that wears a cape? I really want that model. |
Author: | fangorn [ Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Just got the scouring of the shire NIB sealed, for approximately 40 quid from ebay. Some spanish guy didn't know what he was sitting on. |
Author: | ChrisC [ Fri May 01, 2015 9:21 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
Baring in mind, I'm someone who hates painting with a passion, so buying stuff that's painted to a decent tabletop standard for cheap is in many ways better from my perspective than buying stuff in bare metal. I got a Mumak last year, well painted and based with full crew, for £50 inc free postage. They retail for £60 BNIB. |
Author: | Spacemarine17 [ Mon May 04, 2015 3:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
A few weeks ago I scored a BNIB Minas Tirith set for $140 Shipped! from eBay. I'm new to the game and this only further inspired my painting and plans on ditching all other tabletop games. Never thought I'd ever get the castle for my guys ![]() |
Author: | Mapper [ Sat May 16, 2015 7:08 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
My wife wanted to go to a yarn shop about an hour north of us, so I course looked to see if there was any hobby stores there also. There was and I found a Battle for Pelennor Fields supplement for $5 and several old White Dwarfs with LOTR articles for a few dollars each. Looking at the White Dwarfs sure me made me sad that GW use to do a lot more with that magazine and the hobby that they don't do now. The store also had two "limited edition" Escape from Goblin Town, a troll set and two hunter orcs on fell beasts sets - all at the full retail price. Like other hobby stores (non-gw) in the area, they bought the first round of hobbit figures and since they never sold, didn't bother with the rest. Guess I will go up there later and see if I can buy there some of it at a discount when they want to clear shelf space. |
Author: | Badner [ Sat May 16, 2015 7:53 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Best deals and second hand purchases past or present. |
The store, which is close to me has the same problem. At the moment, they try to sell everything that is left with a 30% discount. Unfortunately, there is nothing that I need. |
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