The One Ring

Trip down memory lane
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Author:  Mapper [ Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Trip down memory lane

Bought today at a used book store - Citadel Catalogue 2010 for $4!

2010 must have been about the height of LOTR miniatures because it is glorious to look through the catalog and wish they were all still available in their original castings and prices and able to go to a store to look at and buy.

90 pages of LOTR - that would be some Christmas wish list.

The terrain that was available also! Not just for LOTR but for all ranges.

Sad to think it was only five years ago.

Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trip down memory lane

Thanks for the post. I still have my copy of that book and have dug it out. What a genuinely wonderful hobby we were once part of, it's a shame things had to go astray. However, even though my love for GW's Middle-earth range has since all but disappeared, my hobby continues in the form of Warhammer - and despite the Age of Sigmar crowbarring itself in the way of things, I'm determined to keep that interest alive!! :-D

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