Mapper wrote:
[start of rant]
Just watched some auctions on Ebay. A seller had a series of LOTR metal figures he was selling, free shipping, decent amounts of figures in the batches, a lot of them oop. Ebay did what it is suppose to do, sold items at a good price for the seller and the highest bidder won the auctions.
What bothered me was not what they sold for, but who bought them. A lot of bidders were in the low numbers of transactions on ebay, leading me to believe that they were new to LOTR and were hoping to get some figures for use in the hobby. The winner on several of the auctions was a bidder that came in the last minute and had 38000+ transactions/reviews on ebay. Basically that meant he was a professional ebayer, buying the figures to break up into smaller lots and hoping to make more money on them. Again, that is what ebay does and I'm not complaining about that, just disappointed that someone who would use the figures and appreciated what they were didn't get the winning bid and would actually paint and play with them.
Could be a lot of conjecture on my part, but still bothered me.
Full confession, I did bid on one batch, and it went for more than I was willing to pay so I was fine with that.
[end of rant]
Found some good deals in the past on ebay. Got the return of the king set(no rule book) with 1 set of terrain, plus Prince Imrahil(metal) on foot, horse, and armoured horse. Also got some guy, not sure who he is, but he is metal. I use him as Damrod(though they look nothing alike). All for the price of $40, I think. It was a while back.