Jamros wrote:
Elven Lord wrote:
In my opinion, Tom Bombadil is AWESOOOOOOOOOME!

and I would really love to see some scenes with the Barrow-wights and the scouring of the Shire.
The first time I red The Fellowship, yes I thought it was boring just to hear "then they walked from A to B, from B to C, and they walked from C to D, and from D to E and so on, but overall, I think the books are clearly better than the movies, though I've also enjoyed to watch them

Oh my gosh...revival of an eight year old thread...

I was wondering why Ebob was posting. He has not been posting here for years.
On the topic of Tom Bombadil though, I think he definitely does not fit in a movie. He is pretty useless to the overall story of Frodo's journey, and should for time constraints be removed from the movie. Also, the audience will think that he is important and expect him to play a role later on in the trilogy.
In the book however, I think he is great. The thing that makes Tolkien's writing so unique is that it's not just about the story of Frodo going to Mordor. Frodo's journey is only a tiny portion of the history of Middle Earth, and Tolkien created this huge world with hundreds, maybe even thousands, of stories that are all interconnected. His writing style is not the best, there are many people who are far better at it, such as Charles Dickens, but this huge world where everything fits together to create something bigger than just a few books in a series, that is what makes Middle Earth so amazing, and why Tom Bombadil must be in the book.
Though we of course have no official confirmation, I believe Tom Bombadil is one of the Valar who has decided to live in Middle Earth in the Old Forest and the Barrow Downs. How else can he be older than Treebeard, and how else does the ring not have any effect on him?