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 Post subject: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:06 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:52 pm
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Anyone disappointed that GW didn't pick up a license for this?

With the yearly series and book releases now and again, giving a yearly boost of popularity, Id've loved to see them do this one day.

Imagine A Game of Thrones: SBG starter pack based on the Battle of the Whispering Wood, with Robb and the Northmen vs Jaime and the Southmen. Then next year A Clash of Kings SBG, Commander Tyrion and the Hound against Stannis, Davos and his men attacking Kingslanding.

Would have loads of scope for multiple different armies, there's 7 different kingdoms, the Dothraki, the Unsullied, and the Wildlings.

The art direction is so strong in the TV show that I'd love to have picked up some minatures to paint my favourite characters like Jon and Jaime in their armour. Imagine the rules for some of the heroes like The Mountain Gregor Clegane!

Shame GW never took this up although it might have meant compromising The Hobbit, I'm sure it would've brought in a ton of new customers. Then again 12 year olds probably aren't allowed to see Game of Thrones.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:18 pm 
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I've been hoping to see a Game of Thrones SBG since I saw season three earlier this year. I think I might resolve to making rules, sculpting and converting my own miniatures though, well unless someone beats me to it :(

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:32 pm 

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The Lannister armour is soooooooooo pretty, wish I could scupt because I'd be on that already.

Unusually for a TV show, all the armies have distinct silhouettes. The Starks with their grim plate armour, the black furs of the Night Watch, the maritime helmets of Stannis's troops and the spiked helmets of the Unsullied,

I'd probably end up making some Lannister force led by Jaime since he's one of my favourite characters, and if I could bring Brienne and her beautiful armour along then that'd also be really cool.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:42 pm 
Elven Warrior
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mastermanje said he was working on a set of rules, that wouldn't be ready until 2014 at least. well, it's three days, and he has not produced. i am disappointed mastermanje, and am waiting impatiently!

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:45 pm 
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Ah yes, the Lannister's would've been the first I sculpted. I'd bet if it became an SBG, Lannister troops would be a popular choice. I'd like to see the Nights Watch too. The Old Bears armour would be nice to see.

I think there should be a community of people dedicated to creating this game somewhere. It would be fantastic to start one, or even be in one. That's if no company is gonna make this game.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:49 pm 

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I reckon it wouldi've got a lot of traction since Game of Thrones seems to just be exponentially increasing in popularity by the day.

Wish there was a BGiME thing for it too.

Oh I can dream :(
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:53 pm 
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I could see this as a WFB type game more than a skirmish-game like SBG.


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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:05 pm 
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I think it's too adult for Games Workshop to pick up but surely a GoT miniatures game is bound to happen at some point.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:53 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Someone makes GoT miniatures. Pretty nice ones, but I forget the manufacturers name… *quick google*

Here we go. Dark Sword miniatures. ... works.html

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:06 pm 
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I've got a few Dark Sword GoT minis, they're great! But I'd bet quite a few people want minis based on the tv show rather than the book.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:19 pm 

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Yeah as cool as some of the minis are, especially Victarion, I prefer the aesthetics of the TV show.

And having a mini version of Charles Dance would be so cool.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:38 am 
Elven Elder
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Dark Sword do not make GoT minis they make ASOIAF ones. And do you know how many people asked about a GoT SBG before, quite a few, many of us, myself included would like to. And there is a company making some figures based on the TV series but they're a little more expensive and come ready-painted.

There is actually a miniatures game based on ASOIAF though I think only the Starks and Lannisters have armies for it so far. I don't know what it's called so I can't post a link, but someone else may be able to?

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:45 am 
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Some of those are really cool! Love Stannis on the throne.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:22 pm 
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hollowcrown wrote:
And having a mini version of Charles Dance would be so cool.

That would be awesome! :rofl:

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Dark Sword do not make GoT minis they make ASOIAF ones.

Ah yes, you're correct there. There is a Stark vs Lannister game, but it's a board game. Poor quality miniatures though.

I feel inspired on sculpting some of these minis myself. I'd have a good visual comparison on a character too :wink:

Anyway, I'm going to see what's about, what I can get hold of. I'll see what I can do myself in the meantime. Well that's if there no company does it soon :-D

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:48 am 
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^Battles of Westeros is the board game and it may be going out of production. There's a Baratheon Expansion army as well.

I wouldn't want GW to pick up the Liscense. I don't want to give anymore money to them. Rather have someone else get the liscense for the tv series.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:04 pm 

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GW do do nice sculpts in a nice scale though so that's a point in their favour even if their business practises seem 100% flawed.

The challenge with the SBG game which I think would be it's unique feature is having heroes and characters involved in the game who aren't nessecarily martial characters.

For example in LoTR the great leaders such as Elrond, Aragorn, Theoden etc. are also mighty warriors. Whilst ASOIAF has many of these characters such as Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Jaime Lannister and Stannis Baratheon, it's also got characters who are great tacticians and leaders but are not effective as warriors, such as Catelyn and Tyrion and Daenerys.

Rules basing around both styles of heroes would be very interesting in my opinion.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:44 am 
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Well....what's to stop us from making the profiles?
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:19 pm 
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hollowcrown wrote:'s also got characters who are great tacticians and leaders but are not effective as warriors, such as Catelyn and Tyrion and Daenerys.

Catelyn was a terrible 'tactician' and leader. At best, she could have a rule that makes her count as a banner to Men of the North (being the widow of their Liege Lord and the King's mother).

Tyrion on the other hand wasn't actually that bad a fighter. He handles himself well enough to survive two battles. IIRC, He faced down a mounted Knight charging him, and not only survived the attack, but managed to unhorse and kill the Knight. And then he personally led the defense of King's Landing, leading a sally out of a postern gate to destroy a battering ram. He was only injured when a Kingsguard tried to assasinate him at the climax of the battle.

For a profile, I'd probably do something like...

Move 4" (8" with a pony)
D3 (+2 with Heavy Armour)

Wargear: unarmed

can purchase:

Axe 1pt
Heavy Armour 10pts
Pony 5pts

Might: 1
Will: 6
Fate: 3

Special Rules:

A Lannister Always Pays his debts:

Tyrion can attempt to bribe the enemy. Before deployment, pick an enemy Hero. Both players roll a D6. If Tyrion rolls highest, the enemy hero is bribed, and joins the Lannister's side - he may now be deployed as normal by the Lannister player, as though he was a part of his army. The Hero's controlling player may expend the Hero's will points to change his roll. If the controlling player rolls a natural 6 (unmodified) then the Hero is too honourable to be bought.

My mind is my weapon.

Reflecting his keen wit and intellect, Tyrion Lannister may expend Will points to perform Heroic Actions that affect other models, but not a Combat he is participating in. This applies to Heroic Move, March and Shoot, but not Heroic Strike or Fight.

All dwarfs are b******* in their father's eyes:

If Tywin Lannister is in the same army, Tyrion Lannister cannot be designated as the Leader of the army. Heroic Actions performed by either Hero will not affect the other. They can also not voluntarily fight in the same combat (i.e. the Lannister player cannot charge either Hero into a Multiple Fight involving the other Hero. However, the enemy can charge both Heroes at once as normal).

Your Dominion over the Vale starts now!

Tyrion Lannister counts as a banner for Hill Tribesmen of the Vale.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:44 am 

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Catelyn wasn't that bad. If everyone had listened to her by the time book 3 ends Robb would've been happily slaying Wildlings and Ironmen in the North, rather that what did actually happen.

With her role as advice giver, I think she could have some kind of effect where other heroes can use her will score as might if they're within a certain radius. Keeping her in the thick of combat but having to protect her as she's weak and got a crappy fight value.

Obviously Tyrion is alright in combat in the books but he does get his nose chopped off and if he came up against anyone of Kingsguard standard he'd get ripped to shreds in a 1 on 1 fight.

Either way people love Tyrion so they'd definitely be taking him even if he wasn't a good martial warrior like Jaime.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones SBG
PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:55 pm 

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hollowcrown wrote:
Catelyn wasn't that bad. If everyone had listened to her by the time book 3 ends Robb would've been happily slaying Wildlings and Ironmen in the North, rather that what did actually happen.

Obviously Tyrion is alright in combat in the books but he does get his nose chopped off and if he came up against anyone of Kingsguard standard he'd get ripped to shreds in a 1 on 1 fight.

My friends are pretty divided in their opinions on Catelyn :P
And I think most would be torn to shreds by anyone of King's guard standard, not just Tyrion :P
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