The One Ring

Movement trays
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Author:  Lindir [ Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Movement trays

Hello everybody! After a long time commited to only strategy battle game, I have finally fallen in love with WOTR, and therefore I need some tips: how do you make your movement trays, or do you buy the GW trays?

I have heard some say the GW trays are a little impractical and expensive, but I'm not sure what I should use to make my own. I have searched around a little, and found that some use plasticard. Is this the best/only option, or can you suggest me some other alternatives?

Author:  PowerofWill [ Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Cardboard is probably one of the best, and cheapest options for movement trays. You can use the boxes that your miniatures come in. Just cut it to about the right size, glue some sand on, paint it and add some grass and whatever.


Author:  Lindir [ Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Well obviosuly, guess I should have made myself clearer lol! I've made some out of cardboard already, but what I meant was that I want movement trays LIKE the GW movement trays, with holes in them.

In other words, what's the best material to use for making movement trays that are sturdy and practical enough to be drilled/cut holes in?

I think having trays with holes would be a lot simpler, than having to use blue-tac all the time. I have considered magnets though, but trays with holes that the models fit in still looks so much better than plain cardboard!

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

I saw some people making them out of wood, but that might be difficult if you don't have the right materials.. I'd say cardboard, if it's thick enough you can draw the hole on the thick piece of cardboard, cut them out, and glue a thin piece beneath it, and I mean thin as in the boxes the models come in (:

Author:  Lindir [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Yeah I thought of cardboard, but that would make the edges look terrible, so that's my backup-plan ;)

Any tips on what kind of wood would (pun intended) be best? Hardboard, MDF, or something else?

Author:  Erunion [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

To me, the trays are actually pretty affordable by the time you factor in supplies and labor for making DIY ones. I just factor in the cost of trays whenever I buy a new box of troops.

Author:  Lindir [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Erunion wrote:
To me, the trays are actually pretty affordable by the time you factor in supplies and labor for making DIY ones. I just factor in the cost of trays whenever I buy a new box of troops.

But are the trays practical? I've heard some say they for example can be hard to pick up since the edges are sloped?

Author:  PowerofWill [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Lindir wrote:
Well obviosuly, guess I should have made myself clearer lol! I've made some out of cardboard already, but what I meant was that I want movement trays LIKE the GW movement trays, with holes in them.

Woops! My bad, lol. Sorry about that.

Author:  Slythar [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

If you have access to a drill press, table saw and mitre saw its easy to made your own. I made mine from 5/8" plywood and are fantastic.
Here's my 1500 points of Gondor on those trays. The second pictures shows how stable they are on my bulky hill.
Gondor 1500 Points by Slythar, on Flickr
Gondor on the Hill by Slythar, on Flickr

Author:  Erunion [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Lindir wrote:
But are the trays practical? I've heard some say they for example can be hard to pick up since the edges are sloped?

I agree that a little less bevel on the edge would have been better. The bare plastic is a little slick, but it's not so bad when they're painted.

Author:  garmenhord [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

i would suggest to laser cut them. Just don't know if it would turn out much cheaper. I would like to know that tough.. But u could make perfect sized ones with that. Also u could make up the amount of holes in the tray - the shape,... I think all u need to know is how to make it in illustrator. And then use a lasercutter. I found a good one in the scrap of a place where they did lasercutting. The prize to cut is X/minute. Cutting should not take to long - just don't start engraving things that would take lots of time.
hope that might help u out - it costs money - but it's perfect and saves u from a hell in cutting those things.

Author:  Slythar [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Erunion wrote:
To me, the trays are actually pretty affordable by the time you factor in supplies and labor for making DIY ones. I just factor in the cost of trays whenever I buy a new box of troops.

So very true!!! It was after the fact I discovered this. I always think if I stayed at work and did some overtime instead of doing this, I'd be better off in the long run. But that's the way hobbies goes.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

The time factor is really the kicker that has kept me getting the GW trays so far. I don’t even have the time I need to paint my figures at the rate I want to use them, much less make anything fancy for movement trays. There was a time long ago, before family and such, but that isn’t likely to return until retirement now. :-)

I do find the GW bases pretty cost effective for the most part when you consider that they look fair right out of the package, and I’ve seen some players do nothing more than a brown or black spray coat and that looks ok. I find it a bit tedious to sand and flock all the narrow parts, but with very little effort the GW bases can blend very well with your force.

My only real complaint about the GW bases is how “clean” the formations look. I don’t mind too much for well-disciplined armies but I’d prefer something more random for Orcs and such. Also, my Elves, Rohan, Dol Guldur, Isengard and Harad all have different looking bases on the individual models, and so I am compelled to have different movement trays for each army and THAT starts to get expensive. I can double-dip Elves and Dol Guldur, and also Rohan and Isengard, but then I can’t play those armies against each other.

I’m looking into making a basic base on MDF or such and using magnets on the models but probably won’t be testing that out for a while (other priorities). I want to see if I can create a few staggered patterns so that the models look more realistic in their collection. I think without the beveled edges of the GW bases you will get enough surface area to add some variation to the model positions. This won’t be as obvious for cavalry models but I think it will make a difference for infantry. Of course, your models will have their bases standing on top of the movement tray which may not look as nice as having them recessed, but without infinite time and money options are limited.

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays


Time is money. It is not hard to justify laser cut. I also do not have a 40mm hole saw. I have to make the inch and a half round bases as well. It is not hard but takes time and cost about the same.

Author:  Wah Wing [ Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Over on The Last Alliance, Sithious has a fantastic tutorial for movement trays.
Here's the link to his site:
If this isn't allowed, please tell me so I know.

Author:  Lindir [ Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement trays

Oldman Willow, what do you mean by 'laser cut'?

Wah Wing, thanks for the tutorial! I remember seeing it before, but I forgot all about time.

So foamcore seems like a viable option. Even though I am (after being convinced by all of you in this thread ;) ) leaning towards buying instead of making them. Found some nice and cheap ones on ebay.

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