Hey all,
After a long hiatus from the game, my friends and I have come together to begin setting up a Total-War style campaign that adds in RPG elements as well.
Unfortunately, even after stripping armies down to basics, the costs still looked immense. Not to bag on GW prices, but quite simply so much of what we still needed was out of financial reach.
That was until I found proxies. By making some flavorful lore alterations, I was able to substitute a large number of my forces with proxies and not feel like they were out of place.
I am still looking for proxies of:




Orcs and Goblins (Mordor, Gundubad, and Moria)
These are much harder to find as many 28mm minis are Historical, and a lot of Fantasy simply looks far too goofy for the more realistic style of LotR SBG. Even some Chaos Marauders, which I picked up to use for Dunland, look absolutely goofy... already drafting a description to at least put my mind to rest as to why there are big Conan-esque goofs running amuck in Rohan.
Any help is greatly appreciated