The One Ring

Need help casting metal miniatures.
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Author:  samoht [ Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Need help casting metal miniatures.

Hey guys,
I'm sculpting a model and want to cast it in metal. I've never done this before and am wondering if anyone has any advice? The main thing on my mind is melting the metal. There are small hot pots and casting furnaces (though none in my country that I can find) which may be ideal but i've heard that people can just melt it in a saucepan? Also would a solder pot be any use? Just want the process to be clean, easy and safe.

Any advice is much appreciated.

Author:  werennor [ Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help casting metal miniatures.

I did some casting from time to time, partly with toy casting forms, partly with self made forms from "Silikon-Kautschuk" (in German, don't know the english word for it). I'm using a simple camping gas burner, one flame, the smallest version one can get for cooking while camping. I melt the metal in an old icecream-scoop, which I put on an wooden handle. When the metal in the Scoop is molten, I put off the gas and then pour the metal into the castimg form. It would be resonable to do the casting on top of a wooden board or on a flagstone to protect the unterground from spilled hot metal.

This proces is quite cheap an simple an not good for mass production, but for some self-made casting o.k.

Hope it helps.

Author:  samoht [ Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help casting metal miniatures.

Yes that does help thank you.

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