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 Post subject: Richmond, VA area campaign starting 8-7 until 11-13
PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:07 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:24 pm
Posts: 448
Location: Richmond, VA
Here are the odds and ends-all games at FTW games in midlothian va starting as close to 6:30pm as we can muster.

8/7 8/21 9/4 9/18 10/2 10/16 10/30 11/13
Basically every other week.

Always a sell sword

In this campaign you will control a single model throughout the scenarios, a mercenary. This model is a captain level model to begin but without any upgrades. You may “purchase” weapons/armor/mount upgrades in the beginning at the cost of 1 might, will or fate for each upgrade, if the upgrade is available to the model. Once the MWF is spent this upgrade is permanent and the MWF is gone. You may use any model you wish to represent your merc(25mm and/or 40mm base if mounted) as long as it is clear which model is the merc. Your mercenary may be recruited by different armies depending on the origin of the merc, the list is below.

Merc Origin Can be Recruited by
1 Númenor Arnor Angmar Minas Tirith Ereg& Riv

2 Arnor Minas Tirith Shire Ereg& Riv

3 Minas Tirith Fiefdoms Harad&Umbar Rohan Ereg& Riv

4 Rohan Laketown Minas Tirith Eastern Kingdms

5 Fiefdoms Minas Tirith Harad&Umbar Eastern Kingdoms

6 Durin's Folk * Dale Laketown Minas Tirith Fiefdoms

7 Eregion&Rivendell * Shire Arnor Minas Tirith Rohan

8 Lothlorien&Mirkwood * Rohan Minas Tirith Arnor Shire

9 The Shire Arnor Ereg&Riv Fiefdoms

10 Harad & Umbar Minas Tirith Eastern Kingdoms Isenguard

11 Isengard Angmar Moria Mordor

12 Eastern Kingdoms Mordor Rohan Dale Durins

13 Mordor Angmar Isen Moria

14 Moria * Angmar Isen Harad&Umb

15 Angmar * Mordor Moria Isen

Angmar Includes Hunter orcs& fell wargs
Moria Includes Goblintown gobos mirkwood spiders
Durins Includes Erebor Grimhammer
Loth&Mirk Includes Mirkwood Rangers Palace Guards
Ereg&Riv Includes Knights of Rivendell

Whether you win or lose throughout the campaign determines how your mercenary will ( or will not) grow in skill. These bonuses include increased (or decreased if you lose) M/W/F, recruits to your mercenary warband and gold with which to recruit more warband members or to upgrade your existing ones. If your mercenary is killed, your army simply recruits another mercenary and you must begin building the mercenary from the base model. You lose all bonuses and Infamy points but keep any gold you have earned.
You begin with 5 gold.
Your opponent will be chosen at random every week.

Army composition.
Each week there will be a specific scenario for the overall game as well as specific conditions that your mercenary must meet in order to earn his(or her, no one is sexist here) gold. These will not be announced beforehand. You are allowed a total of 25% elite warriors in your army, per army, allies are included in the total calculation. Elite includes any model that can be upgraded via points in the rulebook ( i.e. warriors of rohan to grimbold’s helmingas and so on) as well as any model with a starting Fight value above what is listed below:

Minas Tirith-3
Eregion and Rivendell-5
Lothlórien and Mirkwood-5
Durin's Folk-4
the Shire-2
Harad and Umbar-4
Eastern Kingdoms-4

Heroes are not included in the 25% elites, but are included in the total number of the army to calculate 25% so plan your army accordingly. Basically, you can have 1 elite for every 3 regular models, 12 in a 48 model army etc. If your army is all from one listed army ( i.e. Minas Tirith), your merc automatically earns one gold piece. Each game will be 750 points in size. This timeline takes place before the hobbit, about the time of the war in the north between angmar and arnor and the loss of kings in the south.

Later in the campaign your mercenary may recruit merc fodder to be a part of his mercenary warband. The merc warband does not count towards the model or points count, and is not included in calculations for when the army begins break tests(i.e. the 50% mark), but the casualties are counted when determining when the army breaks during the game. Merc fodder are recruited from the Origin army of your mercenary leader, and may not be of a fight value higher than those listed above in army composition, but, may have any available equipment upgrades except mounts for free. Banners in merc warbands only affect merc models and merc warband models respond to no other banner or banner effect.

There will be two types of scores kept. One is called Infamy, and is the amount of points you earn from completing the game and the mercenary scenarios each turn, the other is Gold Pieces, which you earn by winning the game scenario. Infamy never goes down, once you earn it, Infamy stays with you. In essence you can earn up to two Infamy points each turn.
Gold pieces may be spent to upgrade your mercenary, buy troops (because you’re a jerk and no one likes you, so you have to buy your friends) and purchase special rules at the beginning of each game.
The winner is whoever has the most Infamy (ties broken by gold) at the end of the campaign. This will garner the winner a $10 credit at FTW. Maybe something else but I have nothing in the pipe at the moment.

Completing a game scenario
For every game scenario you complete successfully you earn 5 Gold Pieces and 1 Infamy point and your merc must roll a d6 the next game. This will determine the number of free troops in the mercs warband. As above they may have any equipment upgrade except mounts. 1-2: 3 recruits, 3-4: 4 recruits, 5-6: 5 recruits.
If you fail to complete the game scenario you earn 2 Gold pieces but no Infamy points and you must roll a d6, your results will be 1-2: 1 recruit, 3-4: 2 recruits, 5-6: 3 recruits.
Gains and losses of MWF or fight are cumulative.

Completing a mercenary scenario
You will gain 1 Infamy point for each mercenary scenario you successfully complete.
Sometimes there is a game scenario and sometimes there will be both a game scenario and a mercenary scenario.

Mercenary recruits
The mercenary may recruit more members to his warband by spending gold. Spending 1 gold will net you 4 recruits.
You may not have more than 8 recruits in your merc warband.
You may spend gold to upgrade your mercs, 5GP to upgrade them all with
F/S +1/-1
Poison special rule for ALL weapons
Hate for a specific race (vs orc/elf/hobbit whatever) -reroll misses vs that race
All upgrades must be announced before your opponent is chosen.

1. “The old man in the cart”
You have been hired to go with a small group to capture an old man in a cart. At first you ask, “why?”, but the leader tells you to mind your own business, you’re not paid to think. So you go on about your day, hey as long as you get paid that is all that matters. How hard can it be to capture an old man anyway? Then you find out that your group is not the only one looking for the old guy. The scouts have reported that there is another group of soldiers out looking for him. Then word comes down to you that he has been spotted, out in the middle of nowhere, and the other group is close by. Time to earn your pay.
Gandalf on cart, or a model on a 100mm base is placed in the middle of the table. The model does not move, yet. In order to capture Gandalf you must have 3 models in base contact with him at the start of the Gandalf move phase that are not in combat. The player with the most models in base contact can then move Gandalf during the next turn.

Game turn goes like this 1. Roll priority 2.Move models 3.Move Gandalf 4.Fight 5.Mad as a Hatter spell dice roll. Gandalf may be moved up to six inches in any direction if a player has three models in base contact as the sentence above states but I like to repeat myself so bugger off. If neither player has 3 models in base contact and not in combat, Gandalf will make a 3inch move directly towards the middle of the table. Otherwise Gandalf follows normal movement rules during this move (no heroics) with the exception that all models are moved “through” until the end of his move (see the watcher in the water rule for clarification) with the models moving him moved as well, so plan ahead. The winner is whoever has Gandalf closer to their side of the table at the end of the turn when one army has reached 25%.
Special rules:
Bucking horse: Anytime someone rolls a six during priority-all models in base contact with Gandalf are knocked to the ground.
Fireworks: Any time there is a tie rolled during priority-all models within 3 inches are shot at by a strength 2 bow that hits on a 3+.
Mad as a hatter: At the end of each turn Gandalf lets you know how [word deleted] off he is-roll a die- He gets one die and must roll a 5+, the first model that has the blast go over the models base is the target, heroes may resist. Gandalf attempts to shoot of a sorcerous blast in a random direction, roll a scatter die or roll a d6 1-forward; 2-backward; 3,4-left; 5,6-right. He gets one die and must roll a 5+, the first model that has the blast go over the models base is the target, heroes may resist.

Deployment: Roll a d6 Move onto the table, no charging with this move.
1- Does not come on
2- Opponent chooses
3- Left edge
4- Right edge
5- Opposite edge
6- Own edge
All warbands that rolled a 1 come on in the second turn as if you rolled a 6.

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" — Isaac Asimov

In most cases people give away their freedoms willingly, in exchange for the promise of living one more day in the cozy little prison of their own designs.

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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