I'm putting together a 500 point list based on the Army of the High King list, ideally I'd like to just use this list though I may be open to an Elvish alliance. So far I'm getting lots of options none of which really stand out
My three options so far are the following:
16 Warriors with Shield
16 Warriors with Shield and Spear
16 Warriors with Bow
49 Models. 16 Shots. 3 Might.
Almost reaches the model limit with 33% bows allowing strong shooting options though it lacks any variety and will rely on a swarm approach which I'm not very familiar with.
Elendil with Shield
10 Shield
16 Spear and Shield
13 Bow
40 Models. 13 Shots. 3 Might plus free heroic combats.
Lack of might an issue though it does contain one of the strongest heroes in the game if I can keep him alive to get him into combat, never used Elendil but with practice he could be fun, maybe better used in a 700 point list though
Isildur with Shield
Captain with Heavy Armour and Bow
12 Shield
15 Spear and Shield
13 Bow
42 Models. 13 Shots. 5 Might.
A more typical army for me, plenty of might to use, moderate numbers but it's still lacking that extra something. The ranged might could be useful for targeting specific threats and allows a more spread stand fast should I get broken.
So far I'm leaning towards the final choice, as I have no experience of using a pure horde, normally playing 500 points with 35-40 models with a good helping of variety.
Is it possible to create a fun, balanced list using Numenoreans?
As the Numenor list is so short changed in the variety stakes I'm a little stumped with what to go for. If anyone has any experience of a good list or fancies some meta-gaming to help me out I'm all ears
My primary aim is to get a list together to motivate my painting over the next couple of weeks, ending in a game or two with the list using basic LOME scenarios.