well i your not spuds or g elessar then this might be new
yesterday i was at a gaming club and took this list:
khamul (allied)
6c goblins shields
5c goblins shields
2c goblins shortbows
2c goblins shortbows
2c goblins shortbows
4c wargs
3c warg riders (allied)
cave troll
cave troll
6c blackshields drum
dragon magic
enemy's list
the dark marshel on FB
the mouth of saruon
2c orc archers
3c morranons banner
6c morranons banner capt
2c orc trackers
3c blackguard of bara dur banner, capt
troll capt (he had a 1400pt list so make this guys into a capt so match my pts)
court of fallen kings
battle for the pass, king of the hill
so this list actually did really well, khamul was in the blackshields and they just sat on the objective, he failed to kill khamul in a duel, and i black darted the mouth of S b4 he did that to me, after that he couldnt really kill khamul and so the blackshields were pretty much invunerable (the dragon and the 6c gobs guarded the objecitve as well) so we called it a game there
first things: nazgul are SUPER overpowered (im going to be saying this for awhile), cause you just black dart anyone who could hurt you, and pall of night big scary stuff (cant charge)
my dragon didnt do much other than distract the fell beast and make him back up one of his flanks, but pall of night stopped him from doing much
the 5c goblins did nothing, id rather use the points as upgrades as they couldnt keep up with my army (no at the double)
court of fallen kings are quite good against anything thats not R1, these guys decimated my wargs (and so hard to kill with D7)
having lots of small units is really handy (especially archers), they dont get in the way and can shoot/ block pesky stuff (super handy when he ambushed his trackers)
i must say that im really proud of my self for this as this guy one that won the tournament that i was in (in the tourny he took the battlehost that allowed his 6 trolls to reroll 1s in combat.... in his last game he wiped out his opponent when i was only half way through my game)
Now there is a tourny a ways off, but i want to make at least a template list so i know what to buy (and hopefully paint... im not very good at doing it)
and this tourny has these rules: limit of 5 mastery lvls and 1 max EH2K model
so this is what i want to do:
not take and ringwraith, they are so overpowered and ive used one every game so i want to try taking an evil army WITH OUT ANY NAZGUL (weird right?
get druzhag in there
hopfully have more wargs in my list (although i might not take any as druzhag will be spawning them most likely)
possible have mass trolls with Buhrdur, they are only 75pts so i can use them to block/defend and even gang up on tough units (i might be able to get teh battlehost with Buhrdur if someone lends me some orcs) OR
get a bunch of flyers, im thinking the dragon, Gulavhar, mabye bats if i can afford them
a shade
the goblin battle host that allows durburz to spawn units
and then the fun stuff, like gollum
and there is always the possibility that i could get a stone giant or cave drake (i can see mass dragons in future)
I know that im asking for alot, but heck, start big and then work out what i can and cant do
gollum (i always think of him as a fate, not a hero..)
6c goblins drum capt
2c archers
2c archers
2c archers
1c archers
1c archers
4c wargs
6c blackshields -drum -capt
cave troll
cave troll
dragon magic
so this is the list that i just thought of, with out looking at the total pts... and it comes to EXACTLY 2000pts
so here is my first try
2c archers
1c archers
moria battlehost:
6c goblins drum capt
6c goblins
cave troll
cave troll
75pts for the battlehost
so i have 2 main units that will be the core of the army, (epic heros will be in these) aaaaaand the the trolls block the sides.... the archers to the same..... and the dragon and Gulavhar go around together mashing stuff (dragon blocking shooting and magic from hurting gulavhar). but im not very confident in this as there isnt much too it, the dragon and Gulavhar would be fun, but take up so many pts. on the upside my 2 heros can spawn stuff, so it would be really interesting
So for the sake of not getting smashed i would swap Gulavhar with Buhrdur, a capt for the other gobs, and 1 more c of archers. I could swap the gob capt for Thrydan, but that seems unfair as he is so underpriced and not thematic... power gaming
so once again i have a super long post