The One Ring

A Small Battle Companies List
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Author:  Easterling [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:03 am ]
Post subject:  A Small Battle Companies List

Hi everyone my brother and I are going to do a small battle companies kind of thing soon. We haven't played for a very long time :oops: and will be starting up again soon. I am not too sure of what kind of list I should take it's a 75 point list and a 45 point self made hero (Starts as a normal soldier and is upgraded with points(I thought it would be cool :-D )). As we play our armies will gradually become larger in size. This is what I was thinking of as a start:

Captain: Halberd +1 wound, fight, strength, +2 courage
(42 points)
5 warriors w/shield
3 warriors w/bow
1 warriors w/shield & spear
(74 points)


Captain: Shield +1 might, fight, strength, courage, wound
(45 points)
4 warriors w/shield
4 warriors w/spear
2 warriors w/bow
2 warriors w/2HW
(72 points)

Each bonus to your captain costs 5 points for things like strength, courage, & fight. For might, wounds, attacks, will, & fate its 10 points. This is only if your hero has more than one wound and attack otherwise its 1 and 2 points mostly, but I think 2 wounds are necessary for heroes.

Here I am unsure of which list to take... :?
any suggestions are welcome.

Author:  emperor_thompson [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Small Battle Companies List

Might will and fate only cost 5 points each. That should save you a little on your heroes.

Author:  werner [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Small Battle Companies List

We started two years ago with Lotr SBG using the standard battle companies rules.
In the meantime we still play battle companies but also larger games and also WOTR!

I find the battle companies rules great to start!

Author:  Easterling [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Small Battle Companies List

emperor_thompson wrote:
Might will and fate only cost 5 points each. That should save you a little on your heroes.

Thanks didn't notice that I'm sure it will help, but what suggestions do you guys have on which army I should take?

Author:  werner [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Small Battle Companies List

The armies that you prefer? I personally just take the armies I like not the strongest one. We also have more then one battle company. I'm now playing with mordor, I busy with painting a Warg Battle Company en in the near furtur I'm also going to start with Easterling Battle Company...

Author:  Easterling [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Small Battle Companies List

OK so I will probably play with the Easterlings then.

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