The One Ring

goblin army
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Author:  hobbitsrule22 [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  goblin army

me and my friends aere making a campaign (or rather ive made the campaign and there playing in it!!!). i was going to use goblins but having never used them before i was hoping for help and advice. its a 200pt army (as we have very little time each week we thought wed keep it small scale

this is what i was thinking
goblin captain with shield
cave troll
16 goblins with shields

remember its a campaign and small points so i thought id make it simple and take a troll to work in tandam with my captain as a power house to kill heros/elites

Author:  The Horde Lord [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: goblin army

Seems good, perhaps give some of the goblins spear instead of shields. I assume you have a reason for not doing so but I mentioned it anyway.

Author:  Noddwyr [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: goblin army

At 200 points I would just go with numbers as that will be hard to play against. Try something like this maybe:
9 Goblins w bow
9 Goblins w spear
10 Goblins w shield
200 points, 28 units, 3 might, and a 12" stand fast.
Alternatively you could swap durburz for a captain and boost your numbers but I like the extended stand fast just in case you break.

Author:  hobbitsrule22 [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: goblin army

at this scale no one in our club will take bows, because im the only player that does and i decided to change a bit. the troll is because the people i could be up against are:
dwarfs, gondor, rohan, isenguard, elves, easterlings

so i will need the power of a troll to help me against basically all these armies!! (apart from rohan, numbers wud b best against them) but seeing as i dont know who will play wive what army i went for a solid (which also takes spears into the point). its helpfull though so i will take that in mind, i can always change the army (its a campaign).

Author:  whafrog [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: goblin army

Have to agree with Noddwyr, and numbers beats a troll, especially if you have spears. If you're worried about cracking dwarf armour, get some prowlers for their backstab rule and throwing weapons.

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: goblin army

5 prowlers w/ shields
15 gobs w/ spear
10 gobs w/ bow

you have way more people then them, YOU CAN VOLLEY (so you can sit in a defensive place and force them to attack you), everyone gets into combat, thus lots of spearmen

Noddwyrs list was also very good
9 Goblins w bow
9 Goblins w spear
10 Goblins w shield

7 prowlers w/ shield
1 prowler
9 spears (9th is for durburz or as back up)
8 bows

another list:
10 prowlers w/ shield
10 spears
8 bows

alternativly if you want to have fun:
goblin w/ shield
cave drake

capt w/ shield
2 trolls

spider queen
15 wargs
1 orc

spider queen
5 spiders

and my favorite
spider queen
druzhag (enrage + heroic move, kill 10-14 models in 2-3 turns :D)
5 wargs

dont be too afraid to get ur capt into combat (unless there is a hero near/ its against uruks/ or your near to breaking)

as you can see ive made lots of lists for you to browse, have fun :D

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