The One Ring

What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)
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Author:  Kili [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

I'm working on a Gondor army and I managed to get some things for my army, but I need some more and I don't know what to get next. I want a force of +-500Pts. These are the warriors I already have:

-8 WoMT shield
-8 WoMT shield and spear
-8 WoMT bow
-18 Ranger of Middle Earth
-2 KoMT
-1 WoMT banner
-1 KoMT banner
-3 Guards of the Fountain Court
-3 Numenorean Warriors shield
-1 Osgiliath Veteran shield
-1 Captain shield
-Boromir (mines of moria starter set)
-Faramir (armoured) on foot and mounted
-Pippin (citadel)
-Gandalf the White

I detest all kinds of cavalry, because I don't really know how to play with them effectively. I hope that someone can give me an idea of what to get next :)


Author:  whafrog [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

And here I was going to recommend a box of KoMT... But you're right, cavalry can be tricky to use, you have to pick your moments, need a hero to avoid infantry counter-charges.

It looks like you have plenty of base troops, especially for a Rangers of Ithilien list. If you wanted to flesh that out, another box of WoMT would help you optimize your bow count with Rangers (eg 66% WoMT without bows, 33% Rangers). You could also really use some elites, eg Citadel Guard. Osgiliath vets could be useful...they are easy to convert from WoMT, but they require Faramir or Boromir to get the most out of them. Finally, some named heroes, like Madril and Damrod might be more effective than a basic captain.

But maybe you were thinking of going in a different direction...

Author:  Kili [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

I figured that I should give cavalry another chance. But should I take KoMT or SKoDA (or ally rohan??), and can someone maybe give me some tips on Gondor cavalry or cavalry in general?

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

I have got some decent experience with gondor cavalry, but first off may i recomend getting the cirion and madril blister, they are pretty useful replacements for captains of men. And try to purchase/convert a hornblower or two. If you don't know the stats for hornblowers (their in white dwarf) they cost 20 points and boost the courage of all models on the field by 1 provided there is one or more hornblower on the field :D Anyway here are tactics for 6-8 man groups of cavalry (what i use).

First off play it safe, you don't want to lose you're most potentially violent models by being arrogant. Lead you're cavalry with a hero, the more the cavalry the stronger the hero. Don't use you're main leader but a relatively resilient hero (i use a king of men with heavy armour and sheild), incase things get messy so he will hold out long enough for backup. An essential rule is DO NOT GET CHARGED, make sure you get the charge on the enemy, don't waste a heroes might on winning fights and wounding, no matter how tempting, use a heroic move to pull the cavalry out of the combat zone before the enemy can charge you back (or, depending on what is against you, charge the enemy). If you are being harrased by archers, use the cavalry on the enemy archers, but don't underestimate an archer in combat, he still has a sword. If you're foe decides to split his army up, go for the smallest groups first, generic heroes (goblin caaptains, orc taskmaster's etc) can be killed by a decent cavalry charge early on in the game.

Models to be aware of:
Heroes (obviously): make sure to kill them in the initial charge if possible, by that i am reffering to small heroes cos if not, they heroic move you when you try to charge.
Radagast: Stay away, he can panic steed which can pick off you're key models relatively easily.
Gothmog (or anyone with master of battle): Master of battle means he can copy you're heroic actions, so if you try to heroic move out of trouble he can just outdo you.
uruk hai pike formations, they can equal your number of attacks even when you charge and have a higher strength and each soldier equals the fight value of a standard captain.

If you are facing a large formation a dream plan would be to charge the front with you're infantry and try to charge th back with cavalry, also, if you section off you're archers, charge them in aswell, alot of people underestimate archers in combat.

Author:  Kili [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

So first I buy the Cirion and Madril blister (why not Faramir and Damrod?) and then I buy a box of KoMT?
Thanks for the tips SuicidalMarsbar :)


Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

You have faramir already don't you? There is more variety with cirion and madril, hey cost just as much as standard captains (which you have one of) but have their own special rules and extra might. Cirion is good against terrifying enemies, making him good agains the cheap ringwraiths and such and madril will just be useful for leading rangers, mainly they are both cheap heroes and have an extra point of might and special rules. Very useful for smaller games :D Also damrod is awful, if you want Really cheap heroes like (25pt heroes) him just use you're rangers as rangers of the north.

However play a few games if you can before purchasing anything new, especially since they cost alot of money and are chep heroes.

Author:  Kili [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

I have the armoured version of faramir but not the ranger version :). But you convinced me, I'll buy Cirion and Madril next. In what book are the stats of cirion and madril?

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

Shadow in the east, but its a pretty useless book tbh, if you want i can send you the stats? is that allowed here or is that a ground for being banned?

Author:  Kili [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

I'm not sure wether you could get banned but maybe you can e-mail me them?

Author:  Gildor Inglorion [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

Why not just check the Games Workshop website? ... Id=5700005

All (or at least most) of the stats and special rules are right there. For points cost, check out LonelyKnight's army builder on The Last Alliance (another SBG site). It's very helpful, and you don't have to worry about breaking the rules!

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

Thanks gildor but for future reference, were not meant to be posting loads of stat profiles in the threads?

Author:  Gildor Inglorion [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

Yeah...I'm not exactly sure (I'm pretty new too), but for legal purposes the site administrators don't want people posting the stats (GW might get mad). General discussion of units is fine though.

Author:  Gildor Inglorion [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

You should check out the army builder though... it's very useful :D ... nelyknight
Just click on LonelyKnight's signature.

Author:  whafrog [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

Kili wrote:
I have the armoured version of faramir but not the ranger version :). But you convinced me, I'll buy Cirion and Madril next. In what book are the stats of cirion and madril?

They're in the Gondor in Flames book, which you might want if you're building a Gondor army. And no, we can't post stats here...

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

Damn its a pretty detailed army builder, thanks for the heads up gildor.
Kili here are their statlines:

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

whafrog wrote:
Kili wrote:
I have the armoured version of faramir but not the ranger version :). But you convinced me, I'll buy Cirion and Madril next. In what book are the stats of cirion and madril?

They're in the Gondor in Flames book, which you might want if you're building a Gondor army. And no, we can't post stats here...

Oh yeah i forgot about gondor in flames, i hope he hasnt gone and ordered shadow in the east....

Author:  Gildor Inglorion [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

You really shouldn't post that... I know it's a bit silly that GW cares so much but I wouldn't do it out of respect for the hard work the administrators put into this site. It's easy enough to just print out the special rules from the GW website from the link I posted earlier...

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

Yeah i've edited it away, i don't want the site getting any bad rep. :D
Its a very good site isn't it, i joined miniwargaming and their Lotr community sucked tbh. Whereas here the threads dont take hours for replies :D

Author:  Gildor Inglorion [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

Yeah I really like this site... there's a nice balance between competitive armybuilding/play and really cool painting and terrain projects to inspire lazy people like me to actually pick up a paintbrush :lol:

Author:  Kili [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to buy next: Gondor (SBG)

I like the one ring very much too :) I saw a lot of sites for lotr sbg, and this one is the best by far!! Great job :D. Also something on topic xD: I didn't order the shadow in the east book yet :) and I think that a friend of mine has Gondor in flames so I'm good I think. Thanks for all the help guys :D.


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