First impression are that this looks a solid list. Was going to say you're over the bow limit but you round up in the new rules.
Obviously with an elite army such as elves you're never going to be top on numbers, and with the strong heroes it won't help your cause. That said, there's really not much I can see that would improve this list. Just be prepared to think about how you would deal with elements that are not present, such as cavalry (mounted models in particular could exploit the twin's rule once one is killed, dragging him out of position as he will never be able to catch the rider, and effecting removing 1/6 of your points with a 15 point warrior on a horse).
Be sure that you deploy your elves in a solid formation, as you have split the troops in half into warbands, rather all of one troop in one, and all of one in another.
Someone may be able to find some changes, but it looks sound to me, good luck.