The One Ring

My army(500pts)
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Author:  Goblins [ Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  My army(500pts)

Hey Guys I am new to Lotr Sbg and i need help with my army. So your advice is appreciated.

Warband One:
Morrannon Orc Captian

6x Morrannon Orcs w shield
3x Morrannon Orcs w spears
1x Morrannon Orc Drummer

Warband Two:

Morranon Orc Shaymin
10x Moria Goblins w bows

Warband Three:

Grôblog, King of the Deeps
5x Moria Goblins w spears
5x Moria Goblins w shields
1x Morannon Banner Bearer
1x Cave troll

Author:  Valamir [ Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My army(500pts)

I would replace the Morannon orcs with either Blackshields or prowlers, replace the Morannon Orc Captain with Durburz, replace the Morannon orc Shaman with a goblin one, get a few more goblins, call it a screaming horde, and throw it at the enemy.

However, if you are particularly interested in keeping the Morannon Orcs, then consolidate all of them into Mordor-specific warbands (unless you can get them from Moria- forgive my ignorance, but I don't have the book), pick up another goblin hero, consolidate the goblins into Moria specific warbands, and then use more Morannon orcs with shields and more goblins with spears.

Author:  Elessar Telcontar [ Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My army(500pts)

If you don't follow valamir's suggestions, note that even though all evil can ally, a hero cannot lead a warband from another list. So unless morannons ARE in the moria list, you cannot have a morannon orc shaman with moria goblins.

Author:  Goblins [ Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My army(500pts)

Thank you I never new that. Also What problems will i face when im in a match and also is this my new army list?

Warband One:
Goblin King of Moria

10x Moria goblin Prowlers
1x Gundabad Blackshield Goblin Drummer
1x Gundabad Blackshield Goblin Drum Bearer

Warband Two:

Gundabad Blackshield shaymin
10x Moria Goblins w bows

Warband Three:

Grôblog, King of the Deeps
5x Moria Goblins w spears
5x Moria Goblins w shields
1x Moria goblin banner
1x Cave troll

Author:  Elessar Telcontar [ Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My army(500pts)

I would swap the Goblins with bows for orc trackers, they cost the same, are in the Mordor list and shoot better. Of course unless you plan to fight a lot with your archers, you will be better off with armour.
I don't have the Mordor book OR the Moria & Angmar, so I don't know the cost of Morannon Captains/Shamans, and I don't know if the orc/goblin captain/shaman cost has changed.
The Morannon Banner must be moved to Warband 1.
To solve the problem with warband 2, you could do one of following:
1) Swap goblins w/ bows for Orc Trackers
2) Assuming the Morannon Shaman costs the same as an Orc Shaman in the One Rulebook, swap the Morannon Shaman to a Goblin Shaman and take another goblin with bow.
3) Swap goblins with bows for Mordor Orcs with bows, and then either drop Groblog for a 10 pts cheaper hero OR remove two goblins from the third warband.

I'd probably go for the second option, but then again, I've never played Moria :oops:

Hope it helps :)

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