I'm going to play SBG tomorrow against a friend, who will try Mordor for the first time (with both a troll and the Witch-King
). Will this be able to resist a HORDE of Morannon Orcs to some degree?
Warband 1
-Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth (armoured horse, lance)
-5 Knights of Dol Amroth (armoured horses, lances)
Warband 2
-Faramir, Captain of Gondor (shield, heavy armour)
-4 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shields)
-4 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shields, spears)
-4 Rangers of Gondor
Warband 3
-Captain of Minas Tirith (shield)
-4 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shields)
-4 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shields, spears)
-4 Rangers of Gondor
Warband 4
-3 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shields)
-4 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shields, spears)
-4 Rangers of Gondor
-1 Warrior of Minas Tirith (banner)
Warband 5
-Gandalf the White
-2 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shields)
-2 Warriors of Minas Tirith (shields, spears)
-2 Rangers of Gondor
Excactly 1000 points.
52 models, break point 26, 14 bows, 12 Might.
I think it is a bit low on models (hmm... I wonder if it has anything to do with paying more than twohundred points for the wizard? nah...
Anyway, are Rangers better than Minas Tirith Warriors w/ bows against Morannons?
I've used all my Gondor heroes, except for King Elessar (which I have not glued together yet
). I could ally in Legolas, Gimli, Strider or foot Rohan, although the last one seems pointless.
I would be very glad to hear any opinions or suggestions, even though the game is very soon.
Thank you for reading in anyway,
Elessar Telcontar