The One Ring

Starting my army need help
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Author:  Goblins [ Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Starting my army need help

Hey guys i am starting my second army for 500 pts games and its going to be using warrior of the last alliance but im not sure what should i do so all help is appreciated. This is what i have thought of so far.
Warband 1
8x Men of NĂºmenor w shields
4x Elves w Elven blades

Warband 2
8x Elves w bows
4x Elven blades

Models: 26 Might: 6

Author:  hobbitlord [ Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting my army need help

firistly, the firist warband is not legal as in order to use numenoreans u need a hero or captain from their army list.
secondly, i would swap the numenoreans for 4 high elves w elf bow and add 4 more elves with elven blades to the first warband, then i would change the elves in warband 2 to 12 wood elves with elven blade and throwing daggers. that would give a lot of shots that dont add to the bow limit covering your lack of numbers.
otherwise your army has the makings of a good one.

Author:  mastermanje [ Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting my army need help

So, let's see...
First of all, only take elven blades to a max of 4! for each warband, as you'll only need a few 2 handeds around, and as elves won't never ever(unless against only hero forces)outnumber!
Second, Maybe drop Gil-Galad, and take erestor, or at least glorfindel instead(the twins wouldn't be a bad idea to), so you can spend more points on anything else.
Third, switch legolas for thranduil, to get that lovely 2+ shoot archery.
An last, get shieldwalls first line shield elves, second line bows&spears, and some spear elves to stayon that 33%
something like this:
S:spear elves
U:shield elves
B:bow&spear elves

u s
u b
u b
u b
u b
u s

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting my army need help

if you can get shield elves then do, but i wonder about switching legolas for thranduil, 2+ accuracy is good, but so is 3 shots or autohit
i would keep gil galad, just because you said last alliance so at least have 1 hero from that time, but if you decide to change and just do elves then go for that switch. not sure getting a cheaper hero would help much though as getting more warriors would mean needing two heros anyway (to allow an extra warband) so you probably wouldn't gain many numbers anyway

Author:  mastermanje [ Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting my army need help

Mighty.Uruk!!! wrote:
if you can get shield elves then do, but i wonder about switching legolas for thranduil, 2+ accuracy is good, but so is 3 shots or autohit
i would keep gil galad, just because you said last alliance so at least have 1 hero from that time, but if you decide to change and just do elves then go for that switch. not sure getting a cheaper hero would help much though as getting more warriors would mean needing two heros anyway (to allow an extra warband) so you probably wouldn't gain many numbers anyway

Sorry, I was thinking of my 750 poins army, where you'll need that extra free points, but still, I'd suggest the twins.

Author:  Draugluin [ Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting my army need help

Gil-galad costs the same as Glorfindel (unless you're stupid and don't give Glorfindel heavy armor), so switching them doesn't help in terms of points. If you aren't going for theme and aren't going to go up against any heavy hitters, Glorfindel is a better option.

Author:  mastermanje [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting my army need help

Draugluin wrote:
Gil-galad costs the same as Glorfindel (unless you're stupid and don't give Glorfindel heavy armor), so switching them doesn't help in terms of points. If you aren't going for theme and aren't going to go up against any heavy hitters, Glorfindel is a better option.

whoops, mistake :) indeed, I agree

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