The One Ring

The forces of the men in the east will not listen to me help
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Author:  Thecow [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  The forces of the men in the east will not listen to me help

Hi im new to this forum and i woudnt mind some help for an easterling army list.(500 pt)
Right now i have 20 easterlings,4 with pikes and shields, 8 with shields and swords, and 8 archers.For commanders i have 2 banners and 2 captains with no general.
Last game i played with this army i got whupped by dwarves :( !

Author:  Shieldmaiden [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

First of all, Dwarves are going to be one of the toughest armies Easterlings can face - they have no S4 units without allying in, and Dwarven armour is a royal pain when you're only S3.

For a well rounded 500pts force, I'd go with something like

Warband 1 12/12
Easterling War Priest
6 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield;
6 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield; Pike;
Warband 2 12/12
Easterling Captain
6 Easterling Warrior with Shield;
6 Easterling Warrior with Shield; Pike;
Warband 3 3/12
Easterling Captain with Horse;
3 Easterling Kataphrakt
Warband 4 0/0
Easterling Dragon Knight

If I was you though, or if I were playing against Dwarves a lot, I'd ally in something S4 - Mordur Uruks, perhaps.

Author:  Thecow [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

Thanks for the helpv :D , but i really prefer to have more ups for heroes than to have dragon warriors, oh and about allying yes i woundnt mind somthing but the mordor uruks strike me kind of slow and they carry 2 handed weapons , am i thinking wrong? is there any other allies you would recomend?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

you can have mordor uruks with standard weapons, if you dont want uruks, how about morannon orcs? I would defo recommend the dragon knight though, he is awesome.

Author:  Thecow [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

The dragon knight i take but the upgrade for normal guys i dont,oh and i didnt know uruks sould have standard weapons, thanks for the help:)

Author:  Thecow [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

Can i stick a troll in somewhere?

Author:  fritskuhntm [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

if your interested, here's my easterling army (600)

warband 1
-Amdur mounted
-3 black dragon cataphrakts
-3 normal kataphrakts (one with drum)
-3 black dragon warriors shield
-3 easterlings pike,shield

warband 2
-easterling captain shield
-6 black dragon warriors shield
-6 easterlings pike and shield

warband 3
-12 easterlings bow

600pts, 39 units, 6 might

If I must be honest, I really dis agree with the dragon knight. :P

Author:  whafrog [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

Thecow wrote:
The dragon knight i take but the upgrade for normal guys i dont,oh and i didnt know uruks sould have standard weapons, thanks for the help:)

- the reason to upgrade your normal guys is you can then match Dwarves fight for fight. It's also worth it if you break, you don't run as quickly.
- every model has a hand weapon, unless the profile specifically says they are unarmed.
- uruks are not slow, they are the same speed as everyone else.

Speaking of slow, Dwarves are slow. A good ally for you might be Corsairs, because with their throwing daggers you can stay just out of range and still shoot.
One irritating thing about the Easterling box is how few pikes you get. I spent a bundle just to get enough pikes to make a decent warband, now I have all these shield guys going to waste. But having that extra support will even give Dwarves a run for their money.

Have to agree with fritskuhntm on the Dragon Knight, you'd be better off with more horse or warriors, especially at that point level. Throw him in when you play 1000 point games.

Thecow wrote:
Can i stick a troll in somewhere?

Not without allying in a hero from Mordor (for a Mordor troll) or Moria (for a Cave troll). You could have a warband with just a Troll chief or, say, Burdur, but in 500 points it's probably not a good idea.

Author:  Thecow [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

Thanks for all the help guys, I made a list with all your suggestions
and I used the dragon knight since I tried him against my oponents they had some problems with him like not being able to wound him,kill him, catch him, :lol:
so me takey(sorry to all who said not to use him)

warband: 3 pikes 4 swords 4 bows

Captain with halbered
warband: 3 pikes 4 swords 4 bows

Allies 1 uruk captain
4 swords with shields

(You will probably all hate me :rofl: )

1 Troll

Cost:500pt(maybe a bit more but opponent agreed some over is allowed)

Those dwarves are going to pay :twisted: !

Author:  Thecow [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

Please notify me if this is bad.

Author:  whafrog [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

A couple of things:

1) Dragon Knight is an independent hero, so can't lead a warband. This is one of the reasons he's not recommended, at least a low point levels.
2) I'm assuming the troll is an Isengard troll, in the warband led by the uruk captain?

Author:  Thecow [ Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterling army help (500)

Thanks for the advice! I think that ill kick out the knight and stick in amdur, how does that sound?

And yes the troll is an isengard troll with the captain as leader of warand.

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