The One Ring

600pts Evil (Isengard/Mordor)
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Author:  VictoryGin [ Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  600pts Evil (Isengard/Mordor)

My main opponent plays Gondor, usually going for Cirion, Faramir, Beregond, 8 citadel guard and 5 gondor knights with a captain.

I usually play Isengard but have had trouble running my lines into his without getting flanked so have gone for a very different list this time around.

The Undying (horse)
12x orc tracker

Mouth of Sauron (horse)
6 orcs shields
6 orcs spears

4 swordsmen
8 pikemen

This leaves me 64 points to play with but i'm really not sure where else to go with this list. I'm not sure on Lurtz but don't have the Fallen Realms book to hand so can't think of an alternative. The plan is to immobilize or compel his big heroes to get them out of the way so I can cut down whatever I can.

How can I take down his knights reliably? I haven't run trackers before (usually normal orcs with bows) but my shooting fails miserably most of the time.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Author:  JamesR [ Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 600pts Evil (Isengard/Mordor)

If you read your other post I've given you one suggestion on killing Cav, for this list I'd dump the Mouth, terrible hero plus you have the undying already as your spell-caster. Get a Orc Shaman to replace the Mouth and add more Orcs and an Orc Captain or add some Warg Riders to give you Cav of your own. You are fielding an Orc army that is too small with your lack of stronger elite units to support them in my opinion.

Also your opponent is very hero heavy (annoyingly so lol, kills the feel of the game if you ask me), you are going to have to commit fairly large groups to killing them, swarm them, surround them, and get them trapped!

Also for your flanks you said you're often out-flanked either bend your formation back to make more of an arch shape or my personal fav just split your force into three group if you want a big block. Have your main infantry block and split off two smaller groups whose goal is solely to protect your flanks/rear and move them in response to your opponent's Cav movements. Pretty easy to do

Author:  whafrog [ Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 600pts Evil (Isengard/Mordor)

First, you have too many bows. The bow limit is per allied contingent, not across the entire army, so you could only take 8 trackers. But honestly, I wouldn't bother with any. More orcs, and a few Morannons couldn't hurt.
Agree about the Mouth, a Shaman is more useful, channelled Fury will be very frustrating to your opponent.
IMHO, a basic Uruk-hai captain with shield is more useful than Lurtz because D7 will make him twice as hard to kill. The rest of your Isengard contingent should have no trouble against his knights.

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 600pts Evil (Isengard/Mordor)

You can always upgrade Lurts into Thrydan if you are feeling spunky.

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