So im looking at doing up a 500pts Hobbit Army for a local GW tournament in the middle of the year, though had to be under 55 models
Trying to keep the theme as the hobbits with Gandalf leading them what do you think??
Also how would I go against missions like -
- Domination
- Reconnoitre
- Lords of Battle
- To the Death
The Hobbit Army
The Fellowship
Gandalf the Grey
- Horse = 180pts
The Shire
Warband One
Samwise The Brave
- pony
12x Hobbit militia = 91pts
Warband Two
Peregrin, Captain of the Shire
12x Hobbit Militia =71pts
Warband Three***
Meriadoc, Captain of the Shire
2x Hobbit Archers
9x Hobbit militia =70pts
Warband Four***
Paladin Took
12x Hobbit Archers = 73pts
Individual Heroes of the Shire***
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
Fredegar Bolger =15pts
Total Points =498pts
Total Models - 54
Half Models - 27
1/3 Models - 18
1/4 Models - 14