The One Ring

Dwarven Lists 600 and 1000pts
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Author:  Gshaw [ Thu May 22, 2014 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Dwarven Lists 600 and 1000pts

So I've come up with a small tournament idea that my friendship group are going to try out next week. Basically on one day we do smaller 600pt skirmishes using the scenarios: Lords of Battle, To the Death and Reconnoitre. Then using a progressive system to provide small advantages in the larger 1000pt 4 player seize the prize match based on the events of the first day. I'd like to play my dwarves and any army lists at either 600 or 1000pts would be appreciated as I am in dire need for inspiration, it should be worth mentioning that as much as Cheeze lists are despised I might be open to trying one or two new combos so long as dwarves are the main focus.

Author:  cereal_theif [ Thu May 22, 2014 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven Lists 600 and 1000pts

I would start like this
Dwalin on pony- 12 shield n spear erebor dwarves
Kings champion- combo of iron and khazad
Then go for someone else you like, my favourites being alfrid with lake town and then a dwarf hero with some dwarves

Author:  NarsilReforged [ Fri May 23, 2014 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven Lists 600 and 1000pts

This is a 100 point list I'm taking to a tourney in Melbourn this year:
Balin w/ Durin's Axe
8 Khazad Guard
4 Dwarf Warriors w/ Bow

King's Champion
2 Heralds
6 Khazad Guard
4 Dwarf Warriors w/ Bow

12 Woses

12 Woses

Saruman the White w/ Horse
Not very themed but I hope it'll be fun and work well.

You could try going with Dwarves & Wood Elves and use the friendship of Legolas & Gimli as your fluff. Or Erebor w/ Mirkwood Rangers or Laketown/Dale. I don't know much about Erebor but for Durin's Folk some good heroes are: Balin, King's Champion, Floi, Murin & Drar and Shieldbearer. Khazads are amazing, I reckon center your force on them with some Iron Guard flankers and maybe around 4-6 Vault Wardens. Max out on bows as well.
Good luck.

Author:  Gshaw [ Fri May 23, 2014 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven Lists 600 and 1000pts

Cheers guys, I am quite a fan of saruman as it happens so I may try to include him in some way :P

Author:  NarsilReforged [ Sat May 24, 2014 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven Lists 600 and 1000pts

Saruman the White for the good side is amazing. So good for 150 points.

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