The One Ring

Laketown 750
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Author:  Galanur [ Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Laketown 750

And here I was trying to figure out a list with the models I had and see what force could be done nicely, as for townsfolk purpose you can imagine anything honestly.
*warriors of dale do work as great warriors of arnor to be honest

Before and up to Smaug *desolation of Smaug Themed*

Warband 1
Bard the bowmen
8 laketown guards with bow

Warband 2
Master of the Laketown
9 laketown guards with spear

warband 3
6 laketown guards with spear

warband 4
laketown Militia Captain with shield
9x laketown militia with shield

warband 5
laketown Militia Captain with shield
6x laketown militia with shield
3x laketown militia with bow

warband 6
Legolas, prince of mirkwood on horse

Warband 7

total: 750pts

Might: 15
Models: 48

Author:  Hands_Hammerhelm [ Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Laketown 750

Looks a fantastic themed list, not sure it's too competetive as Militia get a huge boost if you have Bard, Girions Heir so it may be worth looking at swapping him out. Only other suggestion would be to max out on your bows with both the Laketown Guard and Militia.

Author:  jwhite [ Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Laketown 750

i would say max out all warbands of lake-towners before starting a new one, i would say get rid of one millitia captain and fill the other warbands, with as many bows as possible because laketown archers are some of the cheapest archers in the game to hit on a 4+ with a normal bow, then use the points saved to get a horse for legolas, as he is only defence 5 and can't have an elven cloak so needs to get to combat fast, and a few more laketowners. Other than that it is a good looking list and a realy cool theme

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Laketown 750

there made changes

I stretch the bow limit to where I could and added a few militia with bows as well to provide me a bit of more than 1/3 of laketown guards bowfire
Laketown militia bowmen just got 1 less fight value and compensate with +1 courage (since these guys tend to stay in the back line, might happen staying of heroes stand fast range an have to make on their own) so a bit more courage is always helpfull...

Why the militia? only models on laketown that have acess to shield (and the hardest of the kill of the lot, specially with captains with D6) they have the back spear support from laketown guards (fight 3) which can be increased to 4 if the master is nearby them and use a might point.

I know bard, girionĀ“s heir would be more usefull indeed, bit like I said wanted to get a bit themed in order to get as much laketown guards I could (fancy blue coats)

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