The One Ring

500pt Goblins
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Author:  emre43 [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  500pt Goblins

Warband 1:
Druzhag the Beastcaller
4x Prowlers w/two-handed weapons
1x Moria Goblin Warriors w/spear and shield
1x Moria Goblin Warrior w/Orc bow

Warband 2:
Wild Warg Chieftain
4x Wild Wargs

Warband 3:
Moria Goblin Shaman
6x Moria Goblin Warriors w/shields
5x Moria Goblin Warriors w/spears
1x Moria Goblin Warrior w/spear and shield

Warband 4:
Moria Goblin Captain w/Orc bow
12x Moria Goblin Warriors w/Orc bows

Warband 5:
6x Fell Wargs

Total - 500pts
43 troops
14 bows

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pt Goblins

Looks good, although warg chiefs cannot lead fell wargs, they can only lead wild wargs.

Author:  thranduilelrey [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pt Goblins

Is a good list, but I chance some things,the bowmen leave them only in a warband lead for a captain with bow
you should includ durbuz for the warg chieftain and some beast as a spiders or bats because the wargs with the drug of druzhag are not sufficiently potencial as spiders or bats..
and druzhag lead the warband of the beasts
and delete the prowlers and some bowmen and include more goblins with shield and spear.
good day and sorry for my en :oops: glish

Author:  Damian [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pt Goblins

Its a good list, just change the Fell Wargs for Wild Wargs, or have them in their own Denizens of Mirkwood Warband if you really want them.

I like the Druzhag, Wargs and WWC combo. Enraged bats are very very good, but thats only one heavy hitting model. The WWC doesnt need enraging, though he is a beast if you do, so enraging a cheap warg gives you a second threat to fight alongside the WWC. Its just as viable as enraging bats and spiders.

Unless you plan to play on a table with little terrian theres no benefit to having an entire warband of archers, they are not guaranteed good fields of fire. Goblin archers are actually useful, especially for shooting the horses out from under mounted heroes and sniping models holding objectives, but with the Reconnoitre, Hold Ground and Domination scenarios mixing up deployments or making models cross the table they are better when mixed in with other troops so you can always have a few sneaky shots when you get the opportunity.

Whole warbands of Uruk Crossbows, however........ nasty.

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