The One Ring

Minas Tirith 450
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Author:  rumtap [ Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Minas Tirith 450

I have a freindly game on the weekend and I'm trying to settle on my troops.

The first warband will be
Boromir, Captain of the White Tower with Shield
4 warrior of Minas Tirith spear and shield
4 warrior of Minas Tirith shield
4 warrior of Minas Tirith bow

The second warband will be lead by a captain with shield

but for troops do i go with

option a)
4 Guard of the fountain Court w shields
4 Citadel guard w spears
3 ranger of gondor w spears
1 ranger of gondor

or option b)
4 Guard of the fountain Court w shields
4 warrior of Minas Tirith spear and shield
3 ranger of gondor w spears
1 ranger of gondor

or option c)
3 Guard of the fountain Court w shields
1 warrior of Minas Tirith w shield
2 warrior of Minas Tirith spear and shield
1 warrior of minas tirith w banner
3 ranger of gondor

Or some other combination?
Note i'm not taking mounted troops (not painted yet!)

Author:  Draugluin [ Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minas Tirith 450

If you're going to include Boromir in that small of a game, I would go ahead and go all out and give him a horse and lance. He's so much more powerful on a horse that he'll more than earn the additional points back. I would also drop all of your WoMT with bows. In fact, I would swap all of them for Veterans of Osgiliath. For an extra point, you get +1 courage and +1 fight if they're within 6" of Boromir.

So I would say use this:
Boromir, shield, lance, horse
12 Veterans with shields

Captain with shield:
6 Rangers
4 Guards of the Fountain Court with shield.

That's 450 on the nose. For such a small force, you have some really solid troops, with the fight value for all being 4, the D for most being 6-7, and you have some really good shooting. Since I assume that you don't have any veterans, I would just proxy. Since it's a friendly game, your opponent shouldn't mind.

Author:  rumtap [ Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minas Tirith 450

That is a nice looking list but I simply don't have the models. I only have boromir on foot and I don't really like to proxy.

I have been wanting some vets but they are too hard to get my hands on. I may do some conversions one day.

Author:  JamesR [ Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minas Tirith 450

Again it requires the model but Cirion is much better than a Captain of Minas Tirith, they're one of the worst hero options for Gondor

Author:  Draugluin [ Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minas Tirith 450

rumtap wrote:
That is a nice looking list but I simply don't have the models. I only have boromir on foot and I don't really like to proxy.

I have been wanting some vets but they are too hard to get my hands on. I may do some conversions one day.

Ok, I figured you would have had him on a horse. The only difference between the Warrior and Veteran models is basically just a sash, so people shouldn't mind you just saying that they're veterans.

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