The One Ring

Least fun/cheesiest/power gamey army you've played.
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Least fun/cheesiest/power gamey army you've played.

Like the topic title says, I want to hear your experience.

I played an army before in a practice game for the GBHL in fact. So, some of you may have played it as well.

The list was composed of over 20 Watchers of Karna, a Shade in the middle of them, and spectres. The leaders were also like basic captains in order to spam more watchers. Pretty much no theme whatsoever and clearly designed only to win. Ive never faced an army even close to that with another opponent. Pretty sure there were some Mordor Uruks randomly with shields too....

The game pretty much went to a stalemate where all of my opponents troops were either in range of the shade or a banner he had. He pretty much sat in the middle of the board and didnt move the entire game.

Easily the most frustrating game Ive played, and the only army Id never voluntarily face again.

Needless to say, I lost. It was domination, and I think I lost the middle point and two of four outer points. I was broken, and the opponent was still a handful or more away from breaking.

I took hunter orcs so at the end, their courage did not help either. I suppose taking a wraith would have helped, but I didnt think that Id have had that type of game.

The second game we played was reconnoitre, and I was very likely to win. I took Rohan mixed with wood elves consisting of Legolas and Mirkwood Rangers.

I was going to get half of my rohirrim off the board and break before we ran out of time. My opponent had literally just stayed within like 8-10 inches of his board edge and shot at me the entire game while I attempted to get off his edge. The first like 5-8 turns were us lined up in colonial warfare in formations shooting into the other formation.

A waste of 4 or so hours indeed, but thats the nature of gaming sometimes.


Now, I wont go into the worst one Ive played against without telling about my cheesiest army.

I played against Glory4Gondor and his cousin(sorry guys) and I brought the following:

Bo Sun and 12 reavers
Harad Chief and 12 reavers
Harad Chief and 12 Watchers
Harad Chief and 7 warriors with spear

Now, looks cheesy as hell, but it was a three way battle and here's the thing.

I know Glory's cousin always plays gondor shield walls, or dwarves. Extremely hard to he always plays defensive, and I end up having to charge every single time.

So pretty much I took the toughest fighters I could knowing Id take loses on the way to their armies.

I ended up losing a good amount of units here and there to citadel guard bows and Glory's isengard crossbows before I hit the lines.

I generally tend to split my army 50/50 and rush them when we play in a tactical manner haha.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Least fun/cheesiest/power gamey army you've played.

Not a competitive player myself, nor do I normally face such armies. But I once played agains the (old rules) Grey Company.

My list consisted of plenty of Morannon orcs, probably some orcs of the Mordor variety with spears (and shields) in there as well, in addition to which I had brought a freshly assembled Mordor Troll. Possibly led by Gothmog, may also have used him as a regular captain. Opponent basically had Rangers, and loads of 'em.

I walked forwards, got shot at, he walked back, and shot. By the time the lines met.. well, that never happened actually. By the time the lines would have met, my army was annihiliated. Well past broken, the heroes dead and my troll fleeing in the first turn he would've had an opportunity to charge. Opponent lost nothing. By the Valar, that was boring.

Once played against Morannons with Shade and Dark Marshal, i.e. a 6" radius bubble of doom. In Hold Ground. Nothing much to it really, just charged in and slowly died (slowly due to the quality of Dwarf armour). Could at least have had a chance there with a slightly better army selection (Floi...) and different tactics.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Least fun/cheesiest/power gamey army you've played.

Wow......I didnt think about the shade with the Dark Marshall....thats lethal.

And yeah, people complain about warbands rules, and move and shoot penalty, but Grey Company is pretty much why they did that....

Author:  Sikano [ Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Least fun/cheesiest/power gamey army you've played.

HAHA Im going to try that Dark Marshal combo. Thats really mean.

I had some one use an entire army of terror from angmar (gulavar, shades, etc)

It WOULD have been really bad if I hadnt brought Boromir and guards of the fountain court that were bodyguards.

Author:  truck22 [ Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Least fun/cheesiest/power gamey army you've played.

Not against, but once i ignored the points rules, AND the rules that say only one dice (the highest) counted, and we added them all together. My opponent (my mum) had all the goblins, the goblin scribe, the goblin king and my Durins bane. The only thing the complete Thorin co did not kill was the scribe, who escaped into the shadows. Even I thougt it was boring

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