The One Ring

Help with a 600pt Moria list
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Author:  nic0 [ Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Help with a 600pt Moria list

I have decided to take Moria to a 600pt tournament and have written a tentative list.


Gundabad Blackshield x 5
Spear x 2
Moria Goblin Prowler x 3
2H weapon x 3
Moria Goblin Warrior x 2
Spear x 2
Gundabad Blackshield Drummers

Gundabad Blackshield Captain

Gundabad Blackshield x 5
Spear x 2
Moria Goblin Prowler x 3
2H weapon x 3
Moria Goblin Warrior x 2
Spear x 2
Bat Swarm
Warg Marauder

Moria Goblin Shaman

Cave Troll
Gundabad Blackshield x 3
Spear x 2
Moria Goblin Warrior x 4
Shield x 4

This is my first time playing Moria, so any advice and ideas for changes would be appreciated!

I do not want to play spiders, and I am unable to get any more Blackshields. Any other units I can probably rustle up more of :)

Thanks in advance

Author:  glaurung98 [ Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with a 600pt Moria list

I would try to fit a cave drake into that list, they are absolute beasts! Other than that it looks really good I play Moria as well. I love the cool Moria vibe trolls give but they never EVER kill their points worth... (for me at least)

Author:  Rozinante [ Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with a 600pt Moria list

Your strength is in numbers.
Drop the drum for another warband with Shaman.
Every frontline Goblin needs spear support.
Black Shields must be up front: don't waste spears on them (I know a few come equipped, but WYSIWYG rules can be bent for metal models --especially if it is as simple as "All Black Shields have shield only..." )
No troll.
Consider Druzhag, as enraged Batswarms are invincible Hero eaters (as long as Sap Will doesn't make him useless). So very expensive, however. Or take yet another warband. Goblins die too fast to have too few.

Though it might make a more interesting game with Mauraders and expensive add-ons...

Author:  theavenger001 [ Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with a 600pt Moria list

Marauders are awesome, as are prowlers. I personally have never used blackshields, but love having a prowler w/ shield frontline. I also love having prowlers with bows. They hit on a 4, and have throwing weapons so they are good as hard hitting reserves, or as a fighting unit on their own. Basically, I love prowlers, marauders, and bat swarms. Groblog plus shamans is also a cool combo, though I have not played the game since the inception of boosted spells, so I'm not sure how good fury is any more.

Just off the top of my head:

6 prowler shield
6 goblin spear

6 prowler shield
6 prowler spear

bat swarm
4 marauders

8 prowlers bow

41 units, 600 points

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