The One Ring

1500p Mordor & Isengard Allies SBG
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Author:  Drizhanor [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  1500p Mordor & Isengard Allies SBG

Hey guys!

What do you think of this Isengard army w/Mordor ally? 1500p (SBG)
91 units total, (50%=46)

Fell beasts, Cavalry, Monsters, drums and shamans are not viable options, so I've put an emphasis on troops. I also included a Mordor Siege Bow (with a siege captain) for [word deleted]'s and giggles. I'm maxed up on morannon orcs and Uruk-hai Crossbows.

Other noteworthy models include 3 spectres to make it easier to gang up on those pesky enemy heroes, working in tandem with the Shadow Lord and Saruman. And of course Grima will be harassing the enemy heroes.

Melee on the center, ranged guarding the flanks. I chose Shadow lord because of it's special missile deflection skill, and it will be "shadowing" the melee Uruk-hai center.

It's quite strong on magic and brute troop strength, so hoping to move the enemy heroes with my magic and spectres, between the gaps of my companies, thereby surrounding them.

It might be a good idea to swap the Shadow Lord for the Witch King, given his courage penalty vs the enemy. But I'd really like to keep my Uruk-hai center intact before close combat. A generic horse-mounted Ringwraith serves as a proxy.

I have no idea what the enemy will be fielding. But I'm guessing a combination of High elves and Minas Tirith.

Any thoughts? :)


Warband 1 12/12
Saruman (Leader)
4 Uruk-hai Warrior with Shield;
8 Uruk-hai Berserker
Warband 2 12/12
3 Uruk-hai Warrior with Shield;
8 Uruk-hai Warrior with Pike;
1 Uruk-hai Warrior with Banner;
Warband 3 12/12
Uruk-hai Captain with Shield; Heavy armour;
3 Uruk-hai Warrior with Shield;
8 Uruk-hai Warrior with Pike;
1 Uruk-hai Warrior with Banner;
Warband 5 12/12
6 Uruk-hai Warrior with Shield;
6 Uruk-hai Warrior with Crossbow;
Warband 6 0/0
Gríma Wormtongue


Warband 1 11/12
The Shadow Lord with Horse;
6 Morannon Orc with Shield; Spear;
2 Morannon Orc with Shield;
3 Spectre
Warband 2 12/12
Gorbag, Orc Captain
5 Orc Warrior with Shield;
6 Orc Warrior with Spear;
1 Orc Warrior with Banner;
Warband 3 12/12
Orc Engineer Captain
10 Orc Tracker
1 Mordor Siege Bow with Engineer Captain;

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