The One Ring

Rohan 750pts competitive
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Author:  Galanur [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Rohan 750pts competitive

Warband 1
Erkenbrand on horse
4 westfold redshields
2 Rohan Royal guards
2 Sons of Eorl

Warband 2
Gamling, Captain of Rohan with banner and horse
5 westfold redshields

Warband 3
Eorl the Young
1 Sons of eorl
5 Outriders on horse

Warband 4
Eomer Knight of Pellenor on armoured horse
4 westfold redshields

Warband 5


might: 11

Author:  Draugluin [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

Drop Alfrid and bring another Son of Eorl. Not only is Alfrid not at all fluffy in the list, but he's completely useless in a completely cav army.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

He's not useless at all. He can use all of his Will points before the first turn's priority roll, deploy him within 3" of 2 of your heroes, roll all 3 Will for him and then ride off in the first turn. Serves his purpose just as well as in any other army.

That said I completely agree you should drop him in favour of other warriors. You've got plenty of Might already and it just screams cheese. You and your opponents will have tons more fun if you leave him at home.

Other than that it looks good, you've got the right sized cav warbands in my opinion and your heroes should be able to punch through lots of stuff quickly. Keep Erky safe because with such low numbers you'll break early and need his courage boost.

Author:  Draugluin [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

Well, I guess that is true, I just would have always been afraid of using him before the hero he was targeting was out of might. If you happen to be extremely unlucky, he could take a bunch of might from one hero instead of giving any.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

What/where are the stats for the redshields?

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

Even if hes unlucky with the roll, Gamling with banner hes also there for that :P
An hero of rohan with no might gains 1 might at the beginning of the turn nearby the banner. so since warbands are not composed by many in numbers, its easy to keep the heroes nearby the banner or least those important to do so. so the banner can be somesort of a safeguard in regard of fail rolls on alfrid might boost. he just there for 20pts to give might bonus then off he goes forgotten lol.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

Westfold Redshields are an upgrade to Riders of Rohan that you can purchase if you include Erkenbrand in your force. The details are in Erkenbrand's entry in the Kingdom of Men book.

Drauglin - That's definitely a risk but that's how the vast majority of players use him in tournaments here, I believe the thinking is twofold:

1) You roll for one of your Heroes, if Alfrid steals their Might then you might as well roll for them again at no risk, if he doesn't steal their Might then they'll normally roll for a different Hero in range. Assuming this second roll is also successful then the the odds are still good of getting a third successful roll on one of them.

2) Alfrid is very easy to kill with shooting and the longer you hang onto his Will, the longer the enemy has to kill him.

In the vast majority of the games I've played, Alfrid has used all of his Will before I've rolled a single dice and, more often than not, they're 3-5 Might up. It's a horrible rule. I really dislike it.

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

well ya its an horrible rule, but like i said if this is going for competitive, better bump the might on something like Eomer I got from up there and get him into beastly like in might store...

Also can be interesting using this on Gamling so he can call more heroic marchs and such and keep the force flexible and the banner viable everywhere it needs to be.

Author:  polywags [ Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

I just saw in one of the DHCL videos about the Merry combo with the banner. You can mount him as a passenger and then call a heroic move every turn as long as you keep him near the banner. Pretty niffty, might net you more might then Allfy and is pretty themed!

Author:  Galanur [ Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

polywags wrote:
I just saw in one of the DHCL videos about the Merry combo with the banner. You can mount him as a passenger and then call a heroic move every turn as long as you keep him near the banner. Pretty niffty, might net you more might then Allfy and is pretty themed!

Very good call... I´ve always been forgetting the passenger´s stuff....

if you could relie on Merry for Courage and stand fast I would had given him the horn for +1 courage combined with erkenbrand horn, merry would be courage 7 :P

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

Just remember passenger rules are optional and aren't usually used in tournaments. If you want to use passenger rules in a friendly game, you have to agree with your opponent first.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 750pts competitive

Draugluin wrote:
Drop Alfrid and bring another Son of Eorl. Not only is Alfrid not at all fluffy in the list, but he's completely useless in a completely cav army.

I think many many people would argue hes at more use here in a cavalry list than in other lists.

All cav armies more than anything needs lots of might to make sure they get the charges off, and that is the perfect solution.

As for him being in the army....yeah.....if I saw someone play me with that even in a tourney, Id laugh it off but would not appreciate that person.

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