The One Ring

Mordor 600 pts
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Author:  Quinndalf [ Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Mordor 600 pts

I'd like a bit of advice from you guys, i have made a semi completed mordor list and would like your thoughts on how to finish it and how to play it.

Warband 1
Leader: The Undying on fell beast
5 morannon orcs with shield 4 with spear and shield 1 with banner spear and shield
Warband 2
Mordor Orc Shaman
5 morannon orcs with shield 5 with spear and shield
Mordor Orc Taskmaster
5 morannon orcs with shield 5 with spear and shield

Author:  Eoher [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 600 pts

I like the spell casting, having a monster, and the core of morannon orcs. I always try to include these things when I play mordor.

I think it might be worth looking a combat primary hero. I don't usually put my Nazgul in the middle of the chaos, but the Undying does have a lot of fate... Also, is the Undying always going to be within 6" of the taskmaster?

I would also think about how to support the flanks of this army. Trackers? Warg riders? Mordor orcs?

Anyways, I hope I got you thinking a bit.

Author:  Dikey [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 600 pts

The Undying won't get much from a lone Shaman, who usually cast one, max two spells in a whole game. You may want to consider adding another Nazgul on horse leading some Warg Riders (I haven't counted how many points your list is, I don't know if there's place for another Nazgul). Or you can get the Firecaller to lead a warband of cheap (read: disposable) orcs

Author:  Quinndalf [ Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 600 pts

Hi Dikey it's about 40 points left.

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