The One Ring

Help to build a Mordor Force - 700 points
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Author:  General Ly Average [ Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Help to build a Mordor Force - 700 points

Hi everybody, pleased to have finally joined The One Ring at last :-D
I am currently building a Mordor force and was wondering if I could have some help improving my list. I'd like it be reasonably competitive across the scenarios as me and my opponents roll randomly from the ones in the book, but understandably some forces are just gonna be a bit weaker at certain game types. Anyway, here is the list I'm looking at:

List One:

W1: The Dark Marshal on Armoured Horse
12 Black Numenoreans

W2: Mordor Orc Taskmaster
6 Morannon Orcs with Shield
6 Morannon Orcs with Shield and Spear

W3: Mordor Orc Shaman
6 Morannon Orcs with Shield
6 Morannon Orcs with Shield and Spear

W4: Orc Captain with Shield
1 Orc Warrior with a Shield and Banner
5 Orc Warriors with Shield
5 Orc Warriors with Spear
1 Orc Warrior with Two-Handed Axe/Pick

700 points. Break Point: 24
Any help would be greatly appreciated, comments on hero choice and the effectiveness of the Black Numenoreans especially: that's where the new investment will be, if any. Cheers guys.

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