SouthernDunedain wrote:
That is a very small want at least 4x4ft if you can get it.
Indeed it is... I got a Real of Battle Gameboard on the way though, so in the future, this will be corrected
SouthernDunedain wrote:
Firstly, Lurtz cannot choose to forgo his bow to gain a defence (unless this is a house rule you guys have, in which case cool!).
Yes, this is agreed beforehand, should have pointed that out!
SouthernDunedain wrote:
Mauhur is a good shout, he is a combat beast. 3A is nothing to be sniffed at. In this instance though, you have a shocking might store so I would either stick with Vrasku or change him for Ugluk. He isn't as bad as people think.
I do have Ugluk, but alas he is not completely painted yet, thanks for the input though!
SouthernDunedain wrote:
I don't think the wraith needs a horse in this list, drop that and spend the points on extra will. That'll be far more useful than a horse, plus a foot wraith is easier to hide.
Cheers, I shall look into this