So I've come up with two possible lists but I can't choose between them. What are everyone's thoughts?
IsengardWarband 1Mauhur
6x Feral Uruks
4x Uruk Pikemen
2x Uruk Crossbowmen
Warband 2Uruk Shaman w/ Armour
6x Feral Uruks
3x Uruk Pikemen
3x Uruk Crossbowmen
Warband 3Vrasku (Leader)60
5x Uruk Crossbowmen
499pts. 6 might. 32 units.Maxing out the crossbows, lots-o-strength 4, getting lots of two attack ferals in. Could be quite effective.
MordorWarband 1Shagrat. Captain of Cirith Ungol w/ Shield
6x Mordor Uruks w/ Shields
6x Mordor Uruks w/ Two-Handed Weapon
Warband 2The Witch King w/ +3 Might, +4 Will, +2 Fate
6x Morannon Orcs w/ Shields
5x Morannon Orcs w/ Shields, Spears
1x Morannon Orc w/ Shield, Spear, Banner
Warband 3Shelob
500pts. 6 might. 27 units.Nasty things in there. Magic, big ol' spider, lots-o-strength 4 and a banner, but it lacks the ranged threat that the Isengard list has. Also, alternatively I could switch out Shagrat for a Black Guard captain for that defence 7 and the boosted courage for having a Nazgul in the army.
Oh, just quickly came up with this smallish, elite Isengard list. Probably putting all my eggs into one basket with this list but let me also know your thoughts on it too.
IsengardWarband 1Thrydan Wolfsbane w/ Horse
11x Feral Uruks
1x Uruk Berserker
Warband 2Saruman w/ Horse (Leader)
6x Uruk Crossbowmen
1x Feral Uruk
500pts. 6 might. 21 units.Idea being that with the amazing casting abilities of Saruman, he could really disrupt things for my opponent. A nice little immobilize and Thrydan can go headhunt their heroes. I'd have to play it
VERY smart though.
Anyway, I look forward to any feedback you guys can give me.