The One Ring

Army Lists for Campaign
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Author:  Spike117 [ Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Army Lists for Campaign

Hi all, so I have crafted a definitive campaign for my next event, and some themed forces to go along with it. We aren't too strict on rules, but this is a story-driven campaign so every warband here has a thematic purpose. The main thing I am wondering about is how well balanced the forces are; also, if there was any way to decrease the price that would be great because it has come to a whopping $460.75. All help appreciated 8)

Theodred, 3 Rohan Royal Guards, 2 Mounted Outriders, 2 Outriders on foot, 2 Warriors of Rohan
Captain of Rohan, 10 Warriors of Rohan, Horn Blower, Banner Bearer
Kings Huntsmen
Erkenbrand, 6 Westfold Redshields
Faramir, 3 Osgiliath Veterans, 4 Rangers of Middle Earth
Damrod, 8 Rangers of Middle Earth
Captain of Gondor, 6 Warriors of Minas Tirith, Banner Bearer
Knight of the White Tower, 6 Warriors of Minas Tirith, Horn Blower
Múrin, 6 Dwarf Rangers
Drár, 6 Dwarf Rangers
Shieldbearer, 4 Iron Guards, Banner Bearer, Horn Blower
Dwarf Captain, 12 Grim Hammers
Mauhur, 12 Uruk-Hai Marauders
Uruk-Hai Commander, 10 Uruk-Hai Warriors, 1 Banner Bearer
Ugluk, 4 Uruk Berserkers
Vraksu, 4 Uruk Crossbows
Black Guard Captain, 5 Black Guard, Black Guard Banner
Black Guard Drummer
Gorbag, 6 Mordor Orcs
Shagrat, 6 Mordor Orcs
Blackshield Captain, 4 Blackshields, 6 Moria Goblins
Blackshield Shaman, 2 Blackshield Drummers, 3 Prowlers, 6 Moria Goblins

2x Outriders
Rohan Commanders
Riders of Rohan
Rangers of Middle Earth
Gondorian Commanders
Múrin and Drár
Dwarf Commanders
Isengard Command
Uruk-Hai Warriors
Uruk Crossbows
Uruk Berserkers
Black Guard Commanders
Gorbag and Shagrat
Moria Blackshield Commanders
Total: $460.75

Author:  Manadar [ Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army Lists for Campaign

do you still need help ? I can try if so.

Author:  Spike117 [ Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army Lists for Campaign

Manadar wrote:
do you still need help ? I can try if so.

Hi! I don't need anymore help with this per say, as I had already had the event. Unfortunately I couldn't afford most of those models at the moment, but the games we had were still great (and long). You can check one of my Battle Reps if you want to see how it went.

However, approaching Christmas, I am upping inventory, including adding a Citadel Realm of Game Battleboard and lots of new terrain to fit in with new models. I have added quite a few more models, and could use some help as how to use them. Thanks for checking up, really appreciate it 8)

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