The One Ring |
Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
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Author: | MWL_Rambo [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
Ok, so I'm thinking of running Faramir in a list. Right now I have him with Armoured Horse, Heavy Armour, Shield and Lance. I need to drop 5 points from him so the question is what? Do I drop the horse down to unarmoured or drop the lance? Or maybe something completely different. Just so you have some idea. Faramir would be the only mounted model in the army. He is not the leader but all the bodyguard models will have that rule on him. I was thinking drop the lance since I want him to have defense 7 and keep him mounted if possible but I'm not opposed to other suggestions or experience since I have never used Faramir before. |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
The way I see this is sure yeah, an armored horse is nice. But, man bow and elf bow both need 5 to dismount and only crossbows can take him out with a 4+. Once you get into combat that lance will be super useful. Considering he doesn't have anyone else mtd to help if you lose the horse its not the end of the world. Last thing I'd take out is the armor. I've fought Faramir a lot and he's a pain to kill with that armor. Others validly will suggest to keep the armored horse and drop the lance but its my personal opinion. I like to hit hard and fast and that's what faramirs for. Not a support hero. I'm not sure why he's your choice of bodyguard and not your leader but just keep him against lesser heroes. |
Author: | MWL_Rambo [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
The Armoured horse makes Str 2 bows wound on 6 instead of 5s, Str3 wound on 5s still, and str4 wounds on 5s instead of 4s. I feel like that increase will come into play more often then not. I definitely understand the wanting to hit harder, the other thing I could do is drop my banner to get it all on him plus some extra points to throw around. As for the bodyguard, I have a hero from another list as my army leader. |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
I meant both need a 5 on a regular horse. Sorry to not clarify. Idk your army make up nor do I want to see it haha in case I play you but I usually would throw the lance on. If you're rolling to wound high defense troops, troops with fury, massive spam lists, it generally helps. And when I have mounted heroes they rarely get shot off the horse. Just hide them till lines clash. |
Author: | undivided [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
Ya I'm with Brownring, gotta have the lance! Bows are so inaccurate (unless your playing legolas in which case the armored horse wont matter) that I'd be happy to risk it. Just keep him behind 2 or 3 ranks until he is ready for the charge. Overall I'd say if you want the armour on the horse figure out what else you can drop but lances are just too good to miss out on, especially when you've gone through all the points to set him up for it. |
Author: | Coenus Scaldingus [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:16 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
While a lance is pretty great, given the hard choice, I would drop it in favour of keeping the armoured horse. You're better of having several charges without a lance, than just the one after which the horse dies. Or to put it this way: once the horse goes down, the lance it wasted anyway. That being said, if you expect to face a lot of e.g. Dwarves (D7+) the lance would be better.. after all, a dead enemy also won't make strikes! |
Author: | OverlordShepard [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
I think it depends on the list you are using. In my opinion you should consider what is able to follow faramir. If you have like 1~3 horses, I'd drop the lance. If you do have some cavalry, I would suggest you pick the lance over the horse. I'd still use the lance over the armored horse. |
Author: | Glory4gondor [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
I run used to run this a lot drop the Armored horse down to just the horse and like LOTBR said just put him behind ranks till you need him. |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:47 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
Yeah Rambo the last game played between GloryforGondor his cousin and I, I had a two Shaman, Three wraiths on horses. They had legolas, thranduil, and probably 10+ bowmen and I had one get dismounted the entire game. There was one point where 5 of his cousins archers sat shooting at a stationary shaman and warband for like 7 turns and never got the shaman off the warg. Just give behind lines. |
Author: | undivided [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:08 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
I think that when you look at the chances of someone taking out the horse compaired to the chances of the lance helpin you in combat you would choose the lance almost every time. Giving the horse armour helps your game a very small percentage when the lance increases your chances to wound very greatly. Gotta go with which has the greater potential. |
Author: | Rozinante [ Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:23 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mounted Faramir Gear Option Help |
Drop that banner and give Faramir his best shot. |
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